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NPR 听写,只听写好句子和听不懂的句子。 倒序,最新的在最上面。目录
# 0%, (2024.11.4 9:44->10:11)27min # Having worked at it by hand for centuries, the monks decide to employ some modern technology. # 经过几个世纪的手工制作,僧侣们决定采用一些现代技术。 employ [ɪmˈplɔɪ] v. 雇用;使用,利用;忙于,从事(be employed in) # Two sceptical engineers arrive in the Himalayas, powerful computers in tow. # 两名持怀疑态度的工程师带着强大的电脑来到喜马拉雅山。 Himalayas [ˌhɪməˈleɪəz] n. 喜马拉雅山脉 # in tow拖着 permutation [ˌpɜːmjuˈteɪʃ(ə)n] n. [数] 排列;[数] 置换 # As the engineers ride ponies down the mountainside, Clarke’s tale ends with one of literature’s most economical final lines: “Overhead, without any fuss, the stars were going out.” # 当工程师们骑着小马下山时,克拉克的故事以文学作品中最简洁的最后一句话结束:头顶上,没有任何骚动,星星正在熄灭。 pony [ˈpəʊni] n. 矮种马,小型马; # go out (灯)熄灭 # “the era of AI is here, ushering in a transformative wave with potential to touch every facet of our lives” # 人工智能时代已经到来,它带来了一场变革浪潮,有可能触及我们生活的方方面面 usher [ˈʌʃə(r)] n. (电影院、戏院、婚礼等的)引座员,迎宾员 v. 引导,引领;(喻)使开始,开创(usher sth. in);作招待员 # usher in 引领: usher in a broad prospect 开辟广阔的前景 transformative [trænsˈfɔːmətɪv] adj. 有改革能力的,起改造作用的 facet [ˈfæsɪt] n. 部分,方面 # and that “it is not just a technological advancement; it is a societal shift. # 这不仅仅是一项技术进步;这是一种社会转变 technological [ˌteknəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l] adj. 技术的,科技的,工艺的 societal [səˈsaɪətl] adj. 社会的 # 7% (12:38->12:58) 20min # Artists and writers are panicking that they will be made obsolete, governments are scrambling to catch up and regulate, and academics are debating furiously. # 艺术家和作家都在担心自己会被淘汰,政府都在争先恐后地追赶并进行监管,学者们也在激烈地争论。 obsolete [ˈɒbsəliːt] adj. 淘汰的,废弃的;(生物特征的一部分)退化的 scramble [ˈskræmb(ə)l] v. (迅速而吃力地)爬,攀登;不规则地生长;匆忙地移动;仓促完成(困难的事);匆忙穿(衣)(scramble into); academic [ˌækəˈdemɪk] adj. 学业的,学术的;学校的,学院的 n. 大学教师,学者 furiously [ˈfjʊəriəsli] adv. 猛烈地;狂暴地 # Businesses have been eager to rush aboard the hype train. # 企业一直渴望登上炒作的列车。 hype [haɪp] n. 大肆的宣传广告,炒作;(为做广告而进行的)欺骗 # Some of the world’s largest companies, including Microsoft, Meta and Alphabet, are throwing their full weight behind AI. # 微软、Meta、Alphabet等世界最大的企业也在全力支持人工智能。 # throwing their full weight behind 全力支持 # To throw one’s weight behind someone or something 鼎力支持 # https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/chinese/features/todays-phrase/ep-170228 # On top of the billions spent by big tech, funding for AI startups hit nearly $50bn in 2023. # 除了大型科技公司花费的数十亿美元之外,人工智能初创公司的融资在2023年达到了近500亿美元。 # on top of 在...之上 # At an event at Stanford University in April, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said he didn’t really care if the company spent $50bn a year on AI. # 今年4月,在斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的一次活动上,OpenAI首席执行官萨姆•奥特曼(Sam Altman)表示,他真的不在乎公司是否每年在人工智能上花费500亿美元。 # But there is also a profound belief that AI represents a threat. # 但也有一种深刻的信念,即人工智能代表着一种威胁。 profound [prəˈfaʊnd] adj. (影响)深刻的,极大的;(感情)强烈的,深切的;(思想)深邃的,(见解)深刻的 # The philosopher Nick Bostrom is among the most prominent voices asserting that AI poses an existential risk. # 哲学家尼克·博斯特罗姆(Nick Bostrom)是断言人工智能构成(人类)生存风险的最知名人士之一。 prominent [ˈprɒmɪnənt] adj. 重要的,著名的;显眼的,突出的;突起的,高耸的 assert [əˈsɜːt] v. 坚称,断言;维护,坚持(权利或权威) # The fear that we will lose control of AI because any defences we’ve built into it will be undone by an intelligence that’s millions of steps ahead of us. # 担心我们将失去对人工智能的控制,因为我们为其建立的任何防御措施都将被领先我们数百万步的智能所摧毁。 # 13% (21:58->22:16) 18min cede [siːd] vt. 放弃;割让(领土);再保,分保 # it’s worth casting your mind back to the mid-1990s and the arrival of the world wide web. # 回顾上世纪90年代中期万维网的出现是值得的。 # That, too, came with profound assertions of a new utopia, a connected world in which borders, difference and privation would end. # 这也带来了一个新的乌托邦的深刻主张,一个相互联系的世界,在这个世界里,边界、差异和贫困将会结束。 utopia [juːˈtəʊpiə] n. 乌托邦,理想中最完美的社会 privation [praɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n] n. 贫困;丧失;被剥夺了某物的状态 # Today, you would be hard pressed to argue that the internet has been some sort of unproblematic good. # 你很难争辩说,互联网一直是某种毫无疑问的好东西。 # you would be hard pressed to argue 你很难反驳 unproblematic [ˌʌnˌprɒbləˈmætɪk] adj. 不成问题的;没有疑问的 # Rather, when big tech comes bearing gifts, you should probably look closely at what’s in the box. # 相反,当大型科技公司带来礼物时,你可能应该仔细看看盒子里有什么。 # 17% (2024.11.5 9:58->10:13)15min; # Units of meaning, such as words, parts of words and characters, become tokens and are assigned numerical values. # 意义单位,如单词、单词的部分和字符,成为 词元 并被赋予数值。 # But when I recently asked ChatGPT to write a story about a sentient cloud who was sad the sun was out, the results were strikingly human. # 但最近,我让 ChatGPT 写一篇关于一朵有感知能力的云因为太阳出来而感到悲伤的故事,结果却惊人地人性化。 sentient [ˈsentiənt] adj. 有感情的;有感觉力的;意识到的 n. 有知觉的人 # Not only did the chatbot produce the various components of a children’s fable, it also included a story arc in which, eventually, “Nimbus” the cloud found a corner of the sky and made peace with a sunny day. # 聊天机器人不仅制作了儿童寓言的各种组成部分,还包含了一个故事弧线,在这个故事弧线中,云雨云最终找到了天空的一角,并与晴天和平相处。 fable [ˈfeɪb(ə)l] n. 寓言;谎言,无稽之谈;神话,传说 arc [ɑːk] n. 弧形,弧线;弧光,电弧;情节(或主题)的发展;反三角函数 nimbus [ˈnɪmbəs] n. (人和物产生的)灵气;光轮;[气象] 雨云;光辉灿烂的气氛 # make peace with 与某人和解:停止与某人争吵或不同意,并开始和睦相处和愉快地共事 # You might not call the story good, but it would probably entertain my five-year-old nephew. # 你可能不认为这个故事好,但它可能会让我5岁的侄子开心。 # 20% (2024.11.6 18:46->19:14)28min linguistic [lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk] adj. 语言的,语言学的 # This is why, for decades, the standard test for whether technology was approaching intelligence was the Turing test, named after its creator Alan Turing, the British mathematician and second world war code-breaker. # 这就是为什么几十年来,衡量技术是否接近智能的标准测试是图灵测试,该测试以其创始人、英国数学家和第二次世界大战密码破译者艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)的名字命名。 mathematician [ˌmæθəməˈtɪʃn] n. 数学家 # A number of different people play the roles of interrogator and respondent, and if a sufficient proportion of interviewers is fooled, the machine could be said to exhibit intelligence. # 许多不同的人扮演询问者和受访者的角色,如果有足够比例的面试者被愚弄,那么可以说机器表现出了智能。 # Such tests reveal how closely tied to language our notions of intelligence are. # 这些测试揭示了我们对智力的概念与语言的关系是多么紧密。 # We tend to think that beings that can “do language” are intelligent: we marvel at dogs that appear to understand more complex commands, or gorillas that can communicate in sign language, precisely because such acts are closer to our mechanism of rendering the world sensible. # 我们倾向于认为会语言的生物是聪明的:我们惊叹于那些似乎能理解更复杂命令的狗,或者可以用手语交流的大猩猩,正是因为这种行为更接近我们让世界变得可感知的机制。 marvel [ˈmɑːv(ə)l] n. 令人惊异的人(或事),奇迹 v. 感到惊奇,大为赞叹 gorilla [ɡəˈrɪlə] n. 大猩猩 render [ˈrendə(r)] v. 使成为,使处于某种状态;给予,提供 sensible [ˈsensəb(ə)l] adj. 理智的,合理的; 朴素而实用的;<正式>可感觉到的,明显的 n. 可感觉到的东西 # But being able to do language without also thinking, feeling, willing or being is probably why writing done by AI chatbots is so lifeless and generic. # 但是,能够在没有思考、感觉、意愿或存在的情况下进行语言交流,这可能就是为什么人工智能聊天机器人的写作如此毫无生气和平凡的原因。 generic [dʒəˈnerɪk] adj. 一般的,通用的;(货物,尤指药品)没有牌子的,无商标的;属的,类的;(生)属的,类的 n. 无商标消费品,不受商标注册保护的消费品 # To ChatGPT, it was the shape of the answer, expressed confidently, that was more important than the content, the right pattern mattering more than the right response. # 对ChatGPT来说,自信地表达答案的形式比内容更重要,正确的模式比正确的回应更重要。 repository [rɪˈpɒzət(ə)ri] n. 贮藏室,仓库;自然资源丰富的地区;(电脑)数据库;喻为知识宝库的人(或物) # 28% (2024.11.8 21:29->21:55)26min # Today, AI can take previously unconnected, even random things, such as the skyline of Toronto and the style of the impressionists, and join them to create what hasn’t existed before. # 今天,人工智能可以把以前不相关的,甚至是随机的东西,比如多伦多的天际线和印象派画家的风格,加入它们,创造出以前不存在的东西。 # But there is a sort of discomforting or unnerving implication here. # 但这里有一种令人不安或不安的暗示。 discomfort [dɪsˈkʌmfət] n. 不适,不安;不便之处 vt. 使……不舒服;使……不安 unnerve [ˌʌnˈnɜːv] vt. 使失去勇气;使身心交疲;使焦躁;使失常 # Isn’t that also, in a way, how we think? # 在某种程度上,这不也是我们的思维方式吗 # Newer AI models boast this capacity to amalgamate into the ostensibly new – and it is precisely why they are called “generative.” # 较新的人工智能模型拥有这种融入新事物的能力,这正是它们被称为生成型的原因。 # 较新的人工智能模型拥有这种与表面上的新事物融合的能力,这正是它们被称为“生成性”的原因。 boast [bəʊst] v. 有(值得自豪的东西);吹嘘,夸耀 amalgamate [əˈmælɡəmeɪt] vi. 合并;汞齐化;调制汞合金 ostensibly [ɒˈstensəbli] adv. 表面上;外表 # Even comparatively sophisticated arguments can be seen to work this way. # 即使/甚至 相对复杂的论证也可以被看作是以这种方式发挥作用的。 sophisticated [səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd] adj. 见多识广的,老练的,见过世面的;复杂巧妙的,先进的,精密的;水平高的,在行的;时尚的,精致的 # It asks: if an absolutely good God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, how can evil exist when God knows it will happen and can stop it? # 它的问题是:如果一个绝对善良的上帝是无所不知、无所不能、无所不在的,那么当上帝知道邪恶会发生并能阻止它时,邪恶怎么会存在呢? omniscient [ɒmˈnɪsiənt] adj. 全知的;无所不知的 omnipotent [ɒmˈnɪpətənt] adj. 全能的,无所不能的 omnipresent [ˌɒmnɪˈprez(ə)nt] adj. 无所不在的 # I don’t mean to say that AI can solve our deepest epistemological or philosophical questions, but it does suggest that the line between thinking beings and pattern recognition machines is not quite as hard and bright as we may have hoped. # 我并不是说人工智能可以解决我们最深刻的认识论或哲学问题,但它确实表明,思维生物和模式识别机器之间的界限并不像我们希望的那样明确和清晰。 hard [hɑːd] adj. 硬的,坚固的;困难的;【可证实的,确凿的】 # The sense of there being a thinking thing behind AI chatbots is also driven by the now common wisdom that we don’t know exactly how AI systems work. # 人们认为人工智能聊天机器人背后有一个会思考的东西,这也是受到现在的普遍看法的驱动,即我们并不确切知道人工智能系统是如何工作的。 wisdom [ˈwɪzdəm] n. 智慧,才智;明智;学问,知识;普遍看法 # 37% (2024.11.9 15:03->15:53)50min # What’s called the black box problem is often framed in mystical terms – the robots are so far ahead or so alien that they are doing something we can’t comprehend. # 所谓的黑匣子问题通常用神秘的术语来描述 —— 机器人是如此的超前,或如此的陌生,以至于它们正在做一些我们无法理解的事情。 # The mysticism of AI isn’t a hidden or inscrutable mind behind the curtain; it’s to do with scale and brute power. # 人工智能的神秘性并不在于幕后隐藏着什么难以捉摸的思想;它与规模和蛮力有关。 mysticism [ˈmɪstɪsɪzəm] n. 神秘;神秘主义;谬论 inscrutable [ɪnˈskruːtəb(ə)l] adj. 神秘的;不可理解的;不能预测的;不可思议的 brute [bruːt] n. 粗野的人,残忍的人 adj. 不理智的,野兽似的;蛮干不动脑筋的;根本而令人不快的,赤裸裸的 distinction [dɪˈstɪŋkʃn] n. 差别,区分;杰出,卓越;特点;荣誉 # But, as Andrews notes, there’s nothing to suggest that AI has an identity or a will or desires. # 但正如安德鲁斯所指出的,没有任何迹象表明人工智能具有身份、意志或欲望。 # Computers might in fact approach what we call thinking, but they don’t dream, or want, or desire, and this matters more than AI’s boosters let on. # 计算机实际上可能接近我们所说的思考,但它们没有梦想,没有欲望,也没有欲望,而这一点比人工智能的推动者所说的更为重要。 booster [ˈbuːstə(r)] n. 起促进或激励作用的事物;(增强旧药剂效力的)附加剂量,增效剂量;(宇宙飞船的)助推器,推进器;拥护者,热心支持者;(电压的)增压器,(电信号的)放大器;(商店的)窃贼,扒手 # Instead, Deep Thought, the computer in Douglas Adams’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, might be closer. # 相反,道格拉斯·亚当斯的《银河系漫游指南》中的计算机“深思”可能更接近现实。 hitchhiker [ˈhɪtʃhaɪkə(r)] n. 搭便车的旅行者;顺便插入的广告 # When asked “the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything”, it of course spits out that famously obtuse answer: “42”. # 当被问及“生命、宇宙和一切的终极问题的答案”时,它当然会说出那个著名的晦涩答案:“42”。 obtuse [əbˈtjuːs] adj. 迟钝的;圆头的;不锋利的 # The absurdity of the answer points to an easily forgotten truth. Life and its meaning can’t be reduced to a simple statement. # 答案的荒谬性指向了一个容易被遗忘的真理。生命及其意义不能被简化为一个简单的陈述 # If you find yourself asking AI about the meaning of life, it isn’t the answer that’s wrong. It’s the question. # 如果你发现自己在向人工智能询问生命的意义,那么错误并不是答案,而是问题本身。 # 50% (2024.11.11 18:35->19:02) 27min panel [ˈpæn(ə)l] n. 专家咨询组,专题讨论小组 # how those involved with “responsible AI” are tasked with reining in the technology before it goes awry. # 那些负责任的人工智能相关人员的任务是如何在技术出现问题之前控制它。 # 那些参与“负责任的人工智能”的人如何在该技术出现问题之前对其进行控制。 rein [reɪn] n. 缰绳;(成人牵引幼儿用的)安全绳套;控制,主宰 v. 用缰绳勒(马)使停步或放慢步子,勒(马);控制住,约束 awry [əˈraɪ] adj. 脱离既定路线的;歪的 # that it will, in his words, level up humanity . # 用他的话说,这将提升人类的水平。 # Some of the things we saw were genuinely inspiring, such as the presentation by Saqib Shaikh, who is blind and has spent years working on SeeingAI. # 我们看到的一些东西真的很鼓舞人心,比如萨奇布·谢赫(Saqib Shaikh)的演讲,他是盲人,多年来一直致力于SeeingAI。 # It’s an app that is getting better and better at labelling objects in a field of view in real time. # 这款应用程序在实时标记视野范围内的物体方面做得越来越好。 # But many of the problems preventing, say, the deployment of solar power in India do not relate to a lack of knowledge. # 但阻碍印度部署太阳能发电的许多问题与缺乏知识无关。 # More often, the problems are the lack of resources, the absence of political will, the power of entrenched interests and, more plainly, money. # 更常见的是,问题在于缺乏资源、缺乏政治意愿、既得利益者的力量,以及更直白地说,资金。 entrench [ɪnˈtrentʃ] v. 使(权力、习俗、观念等)根深蒂固;把(军队,兵营等)置于壕沟(或其他设防的阵地)中;<古>侵犯,侵占(entrench on/upon);运用其他法律保障(法律赋予的权利,尤指宪法赋予的权力) # 59% (2024.11.12 9:24->9:54) 30min # It will be about how governments decide to allocate resources, how the interests of various parties affected will be balanced, how an idea is sold and promulgated, and more. # 它将涉及政府如何决定分配资源,如何平衡受影响各方的利益,如何推销和宣传一个想法,等等。 promulgate [ˈprɒm(ə)lɡeɪt] v. 传播,宣扬(思想或信仰);发布,颁布(新法律) # The problems facing the world – not just climate breakdown but the housing crisis, the toxic drug crisis, or growing anti-immigrant sentiment – aren’t problems caused by a lack of intelligence or computing power. # 世界面临的问题——不仅仅是气候崩溃,还有住房危机、有毒药物危机或日益增长的反移民情绪——并不是由缺乏智慧或计算能力造成的问题。 # In some cases, the solutions to these problems are superficially simple. # 在某些情况下,这些问题的解决方案表面上很简单。 # Homelessness, for example, is reduced when there are more and cheaper homes. # 例如,当有更多更便宜的住房时,无家可归的现象就会减少。 # But the fixes are difficult to implement because of social and political forces, not a lack of insight, thinking, or novelty. # 但是,由于社会和政治力量,而不是缺乏洞察力、思维或新颖性,修复措施难以实施。 # 62% (2024.11.13 9:25->9:30) 5min # The idea of an exponentially greater intelligence, so favoured by big tech, is a strange sort of fantasy that abstracts out intelligence into a kind of superpower that can only ever increase. # 大科技公司如此青睐的智能指数级增长的想法,是一种奇怪的幻想,它将智能抽象为一种只会不断增长的超级大国。 abstract [ˈæbstrækt] adj. 抽象的,纯概念的 n. 摘要,梗概;抽象画 v. 抽象化,从理论上(或孤立地)考虑;提取,使分离;写……的摘要;偷走,窃取;退出 # In this view, problem-solving is like a capacity on a dial that can simply be turned up and up. # 在这个观点中,解决问题就像一个刻度盘上的容量,可以简单地调高和调高。 # capacity [kəˈpæsəti] n. 能力,才能;容积,容纳能力;职位,职责;功率,容积;生产量,生产能力 # He was among the first to point to how Silicon Valley tended to see tech as the answer to everything. # 他是第一批指出硅谷倾向于将技术视为一切问题的答案的人之一。 # 65%(2024.11.14 9:35->10:00) 25min # Andreessen outlined his belief that there is no material problem # 安德森概述了他的信念,即不存在实质性问题 material [məˈtɪəriəl] n. 衣料,布料;材料,原料;素材 adj. 物质的,非精神上的;重要的,需予以考虑的;和推理内容有关的 # he thus considered the entire humanistic enterprise faintly ridiculous # 因此,他认为整个人文主义事业都有点可笑 humanistic [ˌhjuːməˈnɪstɪk] adj. 人文主义的;人道主义的 enterprise [ˈentəpraɪz] n. 企业,事业单位;事业心,进取心;事业;创业,企业经营 # It included all the usual rightwing bugbears: regulation, know-it-all academics, the constraint on “innovation”, progressives themselves. # 它涵盖了所有右翼常见的令人讨厌的东西:监管、自以为是的学者、对“创新”的限制、进步人士本身。 # To the venture capitalist, these are all self-evident evils. # 对于风险投资家来说,这些都是不言而喻的弊端。 # Andreessen has been on the board of Facebook/Meta – a company that has allowed mis- and disinformation to wreak havoc on democratic institutions – since 2008. # 自 2008 年以来,安德森一直担任 Facebook/Meta 董事会成员,该公司允许错误和虚假信息对民主制度造成严重破坏。 wreak [riːk] vt. 造成(巨大的破坏或伤害);施行(报复) havoc [ˈhævək] n. 灾难,混乱 # However, he insists, apparently without a trace of irony, that experts are “playing God with everyone else’s lives, with total insulation from the consequences”. # 然而,他坚持认为,专家们“在别人的生命中扮演上帝的角色,却完全不承担任何后果”,这显然没有一丝讽刺意味。 # Having spoken to experts, it seems to me as though the promise of AI lies in dealing with sets of data that exist at a scale humans simply cannot operate at. # 在与专家交谈后,我认为人工智能的前景在于处理人类根本无法处理的大规模数据集。 # Pattern recognition machines put to use in biology or physics will probably yield fascinating, useful results. # 模式识别机器在生物学或物理学中的应用可能会产生令人着迷的、有用的结果。 # 72% (2024.11.16 16:58->; 11.19 15:57->19:25) 28min mundane [mʌnˈdeɪn] adj. 单调的,平凡的,平淡的;世俗的,尘世的 itinerary [aɪˈtɪnərəri] n. 行程,旅行路线;游记,旅行日记 # That isn’t to say AI is some benevolent good, however. # 然而,这并不是说人工智能是某种仁慈的东西。 benevolent [bəˈnevələnt] adj. 仁慈的,乐善好施的;(用于慈善机构名称)慈善的,救济的 # We arrive at moral evaluations not through logical puzzles but through consideration of what is irreducible in us: subjectivity, dignity, interiority, desire – all the things AI doesn’t have. # 我们得出道德评价不是通过逻辑难题,而是通过考虑我们内在不可简化的东西:主观性、尊严、内在性、欲望——所有这些都是人工智能所没有的东西。 # To say that AI on its own will be able to produce art misunderstands why we turn to the art in the first place. # 如果说人工智能本身就能够创造艺术,那就误解了我们最初转向艺术的原因。 # Already, Google is becoming harder to use because the web is being flooded with AI-crafted content designed to get clicks. # 谷歌已经变得越来越难以使用,因为网络上充斥着人工智能制作的内容,旨在获得点击。 # It’s thus hard for them to avoid existing biases, of the past and the present. # 因此,他们很难避免过去和现在存在的偏见。 hastily [ˈheɪstɪli] adv. 匆忙地;急速地;慌忙地 myriad [ˈmɪriəd] n. <文>无数,大量;(多用于古典历史剧中)一万 adj. 无数的,大量的 # The structural problem with bias has existed for some time. # 偏见的结构性问题已经存在了一段时间。 # In both cases, pre-existing racial bias emerged in digital systems. # 在这两种情况下,数字系统中都出现了预先存在的种族偏见。 racial [ˈreɪʃ(ə)l] adj. 种族关系的,种族之间的;人种的,种族的 # 82% (2024.11.21 20:11->20:43) 32min # The question is then: to what ends AI is deployed, in what context, and with what boundaries. # 那么问题来了:人工智能的部署目的是什么,在什么环境下,以及在什么边界下。 # “Can AI be used to make cars drive themselves?” is an interesting question. # “人工智能可以用来让汽车自动驾驶吗?这是一个有趣的问题。 # Everyone from a tech bro placing his hopes for human advancement on a superhuman intelligence to an army relying on AI software to list targets evinces the same desire for an objective authority figure to which one can turn. # 无论是将人类进步的希望寄托在超人智能上的技术大哥,还是依靠人工智能软件列出目标的军队,每个人都同样渴望有一个可以求助的客观权威人物。 evince [ɪˈvɪns] vt. 表明,表示;引起 # are we not already bound up in the logic of AI? # 我们不是已经被人工智能的逻辑束缚住了吗? bound [baʊnd] adj. 必然的,肯定的;受约束的,有义务的;被……所限制的,被……所束缚的 v. 跳跃,蹦跳着走;形成……的边界,划界;限制,约束 # We are awash with digital detritus, with the cacophony of the present, and in response, we seek out a superhuman assistant to draw out what is true from the morass of the false and the misleading – often to only be misled ourselves when AI gets it wrong. # 我们被数字碎片和当今的嘈杂声所淹没,为了应对这种情况,我们寻求超人的助手,从虚假和误导的泥沼中找出真相——通常,只有当人工智能出错时,我们才会被误导。 awash [əˈwɒʃ] adj. 被浪冲打的;与水面齐平的;充斥的 detritus [dɪˈtraɪtəs] n. (尤指某项活动后留下的)废弃物,垃圾;(由于侵蚀形成的)沙砾,沙子,泥沙等;(有机物的)腐质 cacophony [kəˈkɒfəni] n. 刺耳的音调;不和谐音 # We are living in a time where truth is unstable, shifting, constantly in contestation. # 我们生活在一个真理不稳定、不断变化、不断存在争议的时代。 contestation [ˌkɒntesˈteɪʃ(ə)n] n. 争论;主张 # Think of the embrace of conspiracy theories, the rise of the anti-vax movement, or the mainstreaming of racist pseudoscience. # 想想阴谋论的盛行、反疫苗运动的兴起,或种族主义伪科学的主流化。 conspiracy [kənˈspɪrəsi] n. 阴谋,密谋;阴谋集团 racist [ˈreɪsɪst] n. 种族主义者 adj. 种族主义的 pseudoscience [ˈsuːdəʊsaɪəns; ˈsjuːdəʊsaɪəns] n. 伪科学;假科学 # Every age has its great loss – for modernism, it was the coherence of the self; # 每个时代都有其巨大的损失——对现代主义来说,这是自我的连贯性; coherence [kəʊˈhɪərəns] n. 连贯性,条理性;凝聚,凝聚力 # 90% (2024.12.21 10:33->10:57) 24min # Every age has its great loss – for modernism, it was the coherence of the self; for postmodernism, the stability of master narratives – and now, in the 21st century, there is an increasing pressure on the notion of a shared vision of reality. # 每个时代都有其巨大的损失——对现代主义来说,这是自我的连贯性;对于后现代主义来说,主要叙事的稳定性 ---- 现在,在21世纪,对现实的共同愿景的概念面临着越来越大的压力。 loss [lɔs] n.损失;丢失;亏损;丧失 # When the systems that give shape to things start to fade or come into doubt, as has happened to religion, liberalism, democracy and more, one is left looking for a new God. # 当赋予事物形态的体系开始褪色或受到质疑时,就像发生在宗教、自由主义、民主等方面的事情一样,人们只能寻找新的上帝。 # There is something particularly poignant about the desire to ask ChatGPT to tell us something about a world in which it can occasionally feel like nothing is true. # 让ChatGPT告诉我们一些关于这个世界的事情,这个世界有时会让人觉得什么都不是真的,这是一种特别尖锐的愿望。 poignant [ˈpɔɪnjənt] adj. 令人沉痛的,悲惨的;切中要害的 # To humans awash with a sea of subjectivity, AI represents the transcendent thing: the impossibly logical mind that can tell us the truth. # 对于沉浸在主观性海洋中的人类来说,人工智能代表着超越的东西:能够告诉我们真相的不可思议的逻辑思维。 transcendent [trænˈsendənt] adj. 卓越的;超常的;出类拔萃的 n. 卓越的人;超绝物 # Lingering at the edges of Clarke’s short story about the Tibetan monks was a similar sense of technology as the thing that lets us exceed our mere mortal constraints. # 在克拉克关于西藏僧侣的短篇小说中,萦绕着一种类似于技术的感觉,这种感觉让我们超越了凡人的束缚。 linger [ˈlɪŋɡə(r)] v. 继续存留,缓慢消失;流连,逗留;持续看(或思考);苟延残喘;消磨,缓慢度过 exceed [ɪkˈsiːd] v. 超过,超出;超越(限制);优于,胜过 mere [mɪə(r)] adj. 仅仅,只不过;只凭……就足以 mortal [ˈmɔːt(ə)l] adj. 终有一死的,不能永生的;极其严重的,致命的;至死方休的 constraint [kənˈstreɪnt] n. 限制,束缚;克制,拘束 # 93% (2024.12.26 13:51->14:07) 16min # In turning to technology to make a deeply spiritual, manual, painstaking task more efficient, Clarke’s characters end up erasing the very act of faith that sustained their journey toward transcendence. # 在利用技术来提高一项高度精神性、手工性、艰苦的任务的效率时,克拉克笔下的人物最终抹去了支撑他们走向超越的信仰行为。 sustain [səˈsteɪn] v. 维持,保持;维持……的生命;遭受,经受;(在体力或精神方面)支持 painstaking [ˈpeɪnzteɪkɪŋ] adj. 刻苦的,下苦功的 n. 辛苦,勤勉 transcendence [trænˈsendəns] n. 超越;卓越;超然存在 ecstasy [ˈekstəsi] n. 狂喜,陶醉;摇头丸(Ecstasy);(情绪或宗教原因引起的)疯狂,出神 # Artificial intelligence may keep growing in scope, power and capability, but the assumptions underlying our faith in it – that, so to speak, it might bring us closer to God – may only lead us further away. # 人工智能可能会在范围、力量和能力上不断增长,但我们对它的信仰背后的假设——也就是说,它可能会让我们更接近上帝——可能只会让我们离得更远。 scope [skəʊp] n. 范围,领域;(发挥能力的)机会,施展余地;视野,眼界;观测仪器(如望远镜、显微镜等);(船抛锚时的)缆绳长度;特定论点的数量 # In 10 or 20 years from now, AI will undoubtedly be more advanced than it is now. # 10年、20年后,人工智能无疑会比现在更加先进。 # There will still be cracks in the sidewalk. The city in which I live will still be under construction. # 人行道上仍会有裂缝,我居住的城市仍处于建设之中。 crack [kræk] v. 破裂,裂开;崩溃,垮掉;砸开 sidewalk [ˈsaɪdwɔːk] n. <美>人行道 # Traffic will probably still be a mess, even if the cars drive themselves. # 即使汽车可以自动驾驶,交通状况可能仍然会很混乱。 # But things will still keep moving on only slightly differently than they do now. # 但事情仍将继续发展,只是与现在略有不同。 # 100%
carbs web.碳水化合物;碳水合物的总称;主食 bagel [ˈbeɪɡ(ə)l] n.百吉圈(硬面包) oatmeal [ˈəʊtmiːl] n. 燕麦粥;燕麦片 Nairobi [ˌnaɪəˈrəʊbi] n. 内罗比(肯尼亚首都) mandazi n. 油炸小面饼,油炸圈饼 muffin [ˈmʌfɪn] n. (常加有水果的)小松糕; doughnut [ˈdəʊnʌt] n. 炸面包圈,甜甜圈;环状物, puffy [ˈpʌfi] adj. 肿胀的;松软洁白的; perfection [pəˈfekʃ(ə)n] n. 完美;完善;完美的人(或物) crisp [krɪsp] adj. 爽口的,脆生的 # These things used to be ubiquitous. You could find them at any market or on the street. # But in recent months, they've gotten harder to get. # but this shift in dietary habits in Nairobi is really a symptom of a much bigger and more ominous problem. dietary [ˈdaɪətəri] adj. 饮食的 symptom [ˈsɪmptəm] n. (医) 症状;(大问题的)迹象,征兆,征候 ominous [ˈɒmɪnəs] adj. 预兆的,不吉利的 slum [slʌm] n. 贫民窟,棚屋区;<非正式>脏乱的房子(或房间) syringe [sɪˈrɪndʒ] n. (皮下)注射器;吸管 destruction [dɪˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n] n. 破坏,摧毁 # As we've mentioned on the show before, Russia and Ukraine are huge producers of crops like wheat. # And a lot of countries in East Africa and in the Middle East are especially reliant on those exports. reliant [rɪˈlaɪənt] adj. 依赖的,依靠的 export [ɪkˈspɔːt; ˈekspɔːt] v. 出口;传播,输出 n. 出口,输出;出口物,输出品;出口量,出口收入 # When Tjada recently visited Lebanon, she saw that this food crisis was compounding an already battered economy. compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd] n. 混合物,化合物 adj. 复合的,混合的 v. 使加重,使恶化 batter [ˈbætə(r)] v. 接连猛打;殴打,毒打;肆虐,严重破坏; # And to survive, she said that some people are even moving out of the cities to try to grow their own food in the countryside. crunch [krʌntʃ] v. 嘎吱嘎吱地嚼;(使)发出碎裂声 n. 压碎声,碎裂声;<非正式>危急关头,艰难局面(the crunch);不足,短缺 ration [ˈræʃn] n. 配给量,定量;(尤指发给作战士兵的)口粮配给,口粮定量; subdivide [ˈsʌbdɪvaɪd] vi. 细分,再分 # When you zoom out, one of the really tragic things about this whole situation is that some of the hardest hit countries were already dealing with spiking food prices because of drought, hyperinflation and, of course, COVID. # Madhur Gautam is an agricultural economist at the World Bank, and he's been tracking these climbing food prices. 最后再听全文: 1st 2022.5.5 10:34--> 2nd; 3rd;