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精听56-npr|粮食涨价 2022.5.4 14:21-->17:42

carbs web.碳水化合物;碳水合物的总称;主食 bagel [ˈbeɪɡ(ə)l] n.百吉圈(硬面包) oatmeal [ˈəʊtmiːl] n. 燕麦粥;燕麦片 Nairobi [ˌnaɪəˈrəʊbi] n. 内罗比(肯尼亚首都) mandazi n. 油炸小面饼,油炸圈饼 muffin [ˈmʌfɪn] n. (常加有水果的)小松糕; doughnut [ˈdəʊnʌt] n. 炸面包圈,甜甜圈;环状物, puffy [ˈpʌfi] adj. 肿胀的;松软洁白的; perfection [pəˈfekʃ(ə)n] n. 完美;完善;完美的人(或物) crisp [krɪsp] adj. 爽口的,脆生的 # These things used to be ubiquitous. You could find them at any market or on the street. # But in recent months, they've gotten harder to get. # but this shift in dietary habits in Nairobi is really a symptom of a much bigger and more ominous problem. dietary [ˈdaɪətəri] adj. 饮食的 symptom [ˈsɪmptəm] n. (医) 症状;(大问题的)迹象,征兆,征候 ominous [ˈɒmɪnəs] adj. 预兆的,不吉利的 slum [slʌm] n. 贫民窟,棚屋区;<非正式>脏乱的房子(或房间) syringe [sɪˈrɪndʒ] n. (皮下)注射器;吸管 destruction [dɪˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n] n. 破坏,摧毁 # As we've mentioned on the show before, Russia and Ukraine are huge producers of crops like wheat. # And a lot of countries in East Africa and in the Middle East are especially reliant on those exports. reliant [rɪˈlaɪənt] adj. 依赖的,依靠的 export [ɪkˈspɔːt; ˈekspɔːt] v. 出口;传播,输出 n. 出口,输出;出口物,输出品;出口量,出口收入 # When Tjada recently visited Lebanon, she saw that this food crisis was compounding an already battered economy. compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd] n. 混合物,化合物 adj. 复合的,混合的 v. 使加重,使恶化 batter [ˈbætə(r)] v. 接连猛打;殴打,毒打;肆虐,严重破坏; # And to survive, she said that some people are even moving out of the cities to try to grow their own food in the countryside. crunch [krʌntʃ] v. 嘎吱嘎吱地嚼;(使)发出碎裂声 n. 压碎声,碎裂声;<非正式>危急关头,艰难局面(the crunch);不足,短缺 ration [ˈræʃn] n. 配给量,定量;(尤指发给作战士兵的)口粮配给,口粮定量; subdivide [ˈsʌbdɪvaɪd] vi. 细分,再分 # When you zoom out, one of the really tragic things about this whole situation is that some of the hardest hit countries were already dealing with spiking food prices because of drought, hyperinflation and, of course, COVID. # Madhur Gautam is an agricultural economist at the World Bank, and he's been tracking these climbing food prices. 最后再听全文: 1st 2022.5.5 10:34--> 2nd; 3rd;