
英语精听, 学单词/短语/句子/行文结构。 反复重复听同一个短材料,学习发音、语气、语调。


注: 记录每次的日期和时间区间,进度百分比。

[反复听] 在语言学习中的重要作用

repeated lisening to a limited range of relatively simple material
可理解性的材料,听够 1000 个小时就可以说了。

# 新概念3 共 60篇, 大概 2-3min每篇
想听的时候随机生成一个随机数 in js: 
浏览器 按F12 打开控制台Console,生成随机数,如果学过,就重新生成: 
> Math.round(Math.random()*60+1)
历史随机数: 34,10,7,8,54,45,(8),
update index on /NCE/index.html

- pdf: http://j3.biomooc.com:8000/file/audio/NCE3/新概念第三册.pdf #有少量错别字
- mp3: http://j3.biomooc.com:8000/list?fpath=./audio/NCE3/NCE3-MP3-En/ #需要手动初始化

- 导读 http://www.hxen.com/englishlistening/xingainian/zixue3/

* 写到纸上,力争写对每一个单词、标点。
* 最后把原文、翻译记录到本文,按顺序记录。


* 每句提取主干,然后扩句
* 对于长难句,拆开看,然后恢复,长难句模仿
* 造句,换主谓宾,换同义词
* 中译英: 视觉翻译,纸质翻译,各一段,电子翻译(/nce/cn_to_en_3.html)
* 再次造句,这样才知道哪里不行
* 复述
* 转述,一三人称互换

3_07 Mutilated ladies 残钞鉴别组

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
Why did Jane cook John's wallet?

Has it ever happened to you? Have you ever put your trousers in the washing machine and then remembered there was a large bank note in your back pocket? When you rescued your trousers, did note in your back pocket? When you rescued your trousers, did you find the note was whiter than white? People who live in Britain needn't despair when they made mistakes like this (and a lot of people do)! Fortunately for them, the Bank of England has a team called Mutilated Ladies, which deals with claims from people who fed their money to a machine or to their dog. Dogs, it seems, love to chew up money! 

A recent case concerns Jane Butlin whose fiancé, John, runs a successful furniture business. John had very a good day and put his wallet containing £3,000 into the microwave oven for safekeeping. Then he and Jane went horse-riding. When they got home, Jane cooked their dinner in the microwave oven and without realizing it, cooked her fiancé's wallet as well. Imagine their dismay when they found a beautifully-cooked wallet and notes turned to ash! John went to see his bank manager who sent the remains of wallet and the money to the special department of the Bank of England in Newcastle: the Mutilated Ladies! They examined the remains and John got all his money back. 'So long as there's something to identify, we will give people their money back,' said a spokeswoman for the Bank. 'Last year, we paid £1.5m on 21,000 claims. '

* Damaged bank notes. The Queen's head appears on English bank notes, and 'lady' refers to this. 

claim [kleɪm] v. 声称,断言;索取,索要(钱)n. 声称,断言;索要,索赔
So long as = as long as 只要


最近的一个案例与简.巴特林有关,她的未婚夫约翰拥有一家生意兴隆家具店。有一天约翰的生意很好,他把一只装有 3,000 英镑的钱包放进微波炉内保存。然后,他和简一起去骑马。回家后,简用微波炉煮了晚饭,无意中之中把她未婚夫的钱包也一起煮了。可以想像他们发现一只煮得很好看的钱包,钞票已化成灰时的沮丧心情。约翰去找银行经理,经理把约翰的钱包和纸币的残留物送到英国银行在纽卡斯尔的一个专门部门——残钞鉴别组。他们鉴定了这些残留物。约翰拿回了他损失的全部数额。“只要有东西可供识别,我们会把钱还给人家的,”银行的一位女发言人说。“去年,我们对 21,000 起索赔要求支付了 150 万英镑。”

# 7 (2022.4.16 15:02-->15:07) 5min;
mutilate [ˈmjuːtɪleɪt] vt. 切断,毁坏;使……残缺不全;使……支离破碎
safekeeping [ˌseɪfˈkiːpɪŋ] n. 安全保护,妥善保管

So long as = as long as 只要

#(2022.4.17 19:37-->)
mutilate: destroy, damage, cut off

3_08 A famous monastery 著名的修道院

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
What are the St. Bernard dogs used for?

The Great St. Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. At 2,473 metres, it is the highest mountain pass in Europe. The famous monastery of St. Bernard, witch was founded in the eleventh century, lies about a mile away. For hundreds of years, St. Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous Pass. These friendly dogs, which were first brought from Asia, were used as watchdogs even in Roman times. Now that a tunnel has been built through the mountains, the Pass is less dangerous, but each year, the dogs are still sent out into the snow whenever a traveller is in difficulty. Despite the new tunnel, there are still a few people who rashly attempt to cross the Pass on foot. 

During the summer months, the monastery is very busy, for it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Pass in cars. As there are so many people about, the dogs have to be kept in a special enclosure. In winter, however, life at the monastery is quite different. The temperature drops to -30° and very few people attempt to cross the Pass. The monks prefer winter to summer, for they have more privacy. The dogs have greater freedom, too, for they are allowed to wander outside their enclosure. The only regular visitors to the monastery in winter are parties of skiers who go there at Christmas and Easter. These young people, who love the peace of mountains, always receive a warm welcome at St. Bernard's monastery. 

圣伯纳德大山口连接着瑞士与意大利,海拔 2,473O 米,是欧洲最高的山口。11 世纪建造的著名的圣伯纳德修道院位于离山口 1 英里远的地方。几百年来,圣伯纳德修道院驯养狗拯救了许多翻越这道山口的旅游者的生命。那些最先从亚洲引进的狗,待人友好,早在罗马时代就给人当看门狗了。如今由于山里开挖了隧道,翻越山口已不那么危险了。但每年还要派狗到雪山地里去帮助那些遇到困难的旅游者,尽管修通了隧道,但仍有一些人想冒险徒步跨越圣伯纳德山口。

夏天的几个月里,修道院十分忙碌,因为有成千上万的人驾车通过山口,顺道来修道院参观。由于来人太多,狗被关在专门的围栏里。然而到了冬天,修道院里的生活则是另一番景象。气温下降到零下 30 度,试图跨越山口的人寥寥无几。修道士们喜欢冬天,而不太喜欢夏天。因为在冬天,他们可以更多地过无人打扰的生活。狗也比较自由,被放出围栏,四处遛达。冬天常来修道院参观的只有一批批滑雪者。他们在圣诞节或复活节到那儿去。这些热爱高山清静环境的年轻人每年都受到圣伯纳德道院的热烈欢迎。

评论: pass 应该翻译位 山道,而不是 山口。

#(2022.5.13 14:20-->15:00) 40min;
monastery [ˈmɒnəst(ə)ri] n. 修道院;僧侣
pass [pɑːs] n. 出入证,通行证;及格,合格;传球;【山道,山口;】
tunnel [ˈtʌn(ə)l] n. 隧道,地道;(动物的)洞穴通道;运动场运动员通道;套管;风洞
rashly [ˈræʃli] adv. 轻率地;鲁莽地;无见识地
enclosure [ɪnˈkləʊʒə(r)] n. 围场,围墙,圈占地;附件;围住,圈起
wander [ˈwɒndə(r)] v. 漫游,游荡,漫步,流浪
party [ˈpɑːti] n. 聚会,派对;政党,党派;<正式>(契约或争论的)当事人,一方;【队,组,群】

# 2022.5.13 18:45-->19:36 提主干 - 扩句 in txt;
# 2022.5.14 14:02--> 14:27 造句 第一段 in txt; 跟读;

3_10 The loss of the Titanic “泰坦尼克”号的沉没

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
What would have happened if only two of the sixteen water-tight compartments had been flooded? 

The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She was carrying 1,316 passengers and crew of 891. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship. At the time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen watertight compartments. Even if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life. 

Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy water of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense walk of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below, and the captain went down to see what had happened. The noise had been so faint that no one though that the ship had been damaged. Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded! The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water. As there were not enough lifeboats for everybody, 1,500 lives were lost. 

Southampton [saʊθˈhæmptən; saʊˈθæmptən] n. 南安普敦(英国港市)

巨轮“泰坦尼克”号 1912 年 4 月 10 日从南安普敦起锚驶向纽约。船上载有 1,316 名乘客与 891 名船员。即使用现代标准来衡量,45,000 吨的“泰坦尼克”号也算得上一艘巨轮了。当时,这艘轮船不仅是造船史上建造的最大的一艘船,而且也被认为是不会沉没的。因为船由 16 个密封舱组成,即使有两个舱进水,仍可漂浮的水面上。然而,这艘巨轮首航就下沉,造成大批人员死亡。人们将永远记着这艘巨轮的沉没惨剧。

“泰坦尼克”起航后的第 4 天,它正行驶在北大西洋冰冷的海面上。突然,瞭望员发现一座冰山。警报响过不久,巨轮急转弯,以避免与冰山正面相撞。“泰坦尼克”这个弯拐得及时,紧贴着高出海面 100 英尺的巨大的冰墙擦过去。突然,从船舱下部传来一声微颤音,船长走下船舱去查看究竟。由于这个声音非常轻,没人会想到船身已遭损坏。在下面,船长惊恐的地发现“泰坦尼克”号正在急速下沉,16 个密封舱已有 5 个进水。于是,他发出弃船的命令,几百人跳进了冰冷刺骨的海水里。由于没有足够的救生艇运载所有乘客,结果,1,500 人丧生。

# 10 (2022.4.17 14:51-->15:51) 60min;
water-tight compartment 水封室
colossal [kəˈlɒs(ə)l] adj. 巨大的,庞大的;
unsinkable [ʌnˈsɪŋkəb(ə)l] adj. (船)不沉的,不易下沉的
be regarded as 被认为是;被当做是
liner [ˈlaɪnə(r)] n. 邮轮;衬里,内衬;细画笔,细漆刷;
voyage [ˈvɔɪɪdʒ] n. (尤指坐船或飞往太空的)航行,旅行;

lookout [ˈlʊkaʊt] n. 监视;监视哨;警戒;守望者;担心的事;前景

collision [kəˈlɪʒ(ə)n] n. 碰撞,相撞;冲突,抵触;争用
faint [feɪnt] adj. 模糊的,微弱的;微小的,可能性不大的;虚弱的,头晕目眩的;不热情的 n. 晕倒,昏厥
plunge [plʌndʒ] v. (使)突然向前倒下(跌落);猛推,猛插;投入(液体中以使淹没);(价值)猛跌;(剧烈)颠簸,震荡;(马)猛地用后腿直立;陡然向下倾斜;骤然陷入;(鲁莽地)开始;(使)投身,(使)突然开始从事;种下(植物) n. (突然的)坠落;跳水,快速游泳;(价值或数量的)骤然下跌;突然陷入

3_34 A happy discovery 幸运的发现

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
What was the 'happy discovery'? 

Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people. The more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place. But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop. There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that little the floors. 

No one discovers a rarity by chance. A truly dedicated bargain hunter must have patience, and above all, the ability to recognize the worth of something when he sees it. To do this, he must be at least as knowledgeable as the dealer. Like a scientist bent on making a discovery, he must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply rewarded.

My old friend, Frank Halliday, is just such a person. He has often described to me how he picked up a masterpiece for a mere $50. One Saturday morning, Frank visited an antique shop in my neighbourhood. As he had never been there before, he found a great deal to interest him. The morning passed rapidly and Frank was about to leave when he noticed a large packing case lying on the floor. The morning passed rapidly and Frank just come in, but that he could not be bothered to open it. Frank begged him to do so and the dealer reluctantly prised it open. The contents were disappointing. Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger, the box was full of crockery, much of it broken. Frank gently lifted the crockery out of the box an suddenly noticed a miniature painting at the bottom of the packing case. As its composition and line reminded him of an Italian painting he knew well, he decided to buy it. Glancing at it briefly, the dealer told him that it was worth $50. Frank could hardly conceal his excitement, for he knew that he had made a real discovery. The tiny painting proved to be an unknown masterpiece by Correggio and was worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. 



古玩店对许多人来说有一种特殊的魅力。高档一点的古玩店为了防尘,把文物漂亮地陈 列在玻璃柜子里,那里往往令人望而却步。而对不太装腔作势的古玩店,无论是谁都不用壮着胆子才敢往里进。人们还常常有希望在发霉、阴暗、杂乱无章、迷宫般的店堂里,从杂乱地摆放在地面上的、一堆堆各式各样的破烂货里找到一件稀世珍品。


我的老朋友弗兰克.哈利戴正是这样一个人。他多次向我详细讲他如何只花 50 英镑便买到一位名家的杰作。一个星期六的上午,弗兰克去了我家附近的一家古玩店。由于他从未去过那儿,结果他发现许多有趣的东西。上午很快过去了,弗兰克正准备离去,突然看见地板上放着一只体积很大的货箱。古董商告诉他那只货箱刚到不久,但他嫌麻烦不想把它打开。经弗兰克恳求,古董商才勉强把货箱撬开了。箱内东西令人失望。除了一柄式样别致、雕有花纹的匕首外,货箱内装满陶器,而且大部分都已破碎裂。弗兰克轻轻地把陶器拿出箱子,突然发现在箱底有一幅微型画,画面构图与纸条使他想起一幅他所熟悉的意大利画,于是他决定将画买了下来。古董商漫不经心看了一眼那幅画,告诉弗兰克那画值 50 英镑。弗兰克几乎无法掩饰自己兴奋的心情,因为他明白自己发现了一件珍品。那幅不大的画原来是柯勒乔的一幅未被发现的杰作,价值几十万英镑。

# 34 (2022.4.16 21:14-->22:19) 65min;
# Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people.
# 古玩店对许多人来说有一种特殊的魅力。
exert [ɪɡˈzɜːt] v. 运用,施加(影响);努力,尽力(exert oneself)

# The more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place.
# 高档一些的古玩店为了防尘,把珍奇物品漂亮地陈列在玻璃柜里,通常是令人望而却步的地方。

muster [ˈmʌstə(r)] v. 寻求,聚集(支持、勇气等);召集,
pretentious [prɪˈtenʃəs] adj. 自命不凡的,做作的;(书、电影等)捏造的,矫饰的

# There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that little the floors
# 人们还常常有希望在发霉、阴暗、杂乱无章、迷宫般的店堂里,从杂乱地摆放在地板上的、一堆堆各式各样的破烂货中找到一件稀世珍品
labyrinth [ˈlæbərɪnθ] n. 迷宫;[解剖] 迷路;难解的事物
musty [ˈmʌsti] adj. 发霉的;落伍的;冷淡的
rarity [ˈreərəti] n. 罕见的人(或物),珍品;稀有,罕见;稀薄
assorted [əˈsɔːtɪd] adj. 各种各样的,混杂的
amongst [əˈmʌŋst] prep. 在……当中;系……的一员,……之一

dedicated [ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd] adj. 专心致志的,献身的;专用的,专门用途的
bargain [ˈbɑːɡən] n. 便宜货,减价品;协议,交易 v. 讨价还价,谈判

# Like a scientist bent on making a discovery, he must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply rewarded.
# 他必须像一个专心致志进行探索的科学家那样抱有这样的希望,即终有一天,他的努力会取得丰硕的成果。
be bent on 专心致志于 ; 一心想要 ; 专心致力于
cherish [ˈtʃerɪʃ] v. 珍视,珍爱;怀念(过去),抱有(希望)
amply [ˈæmpli] adv. 充足地;广大地
bent [bent] adj. 弯曲的,变形的;下定决心的

# he could not be bothered to open it
# 他懒得去打开它

prise [praɪz] v. 强行使分开,撬开
dagger [ˈdæɡə(r)] n. 匕首,短剑
crockery [ˈkrɒkəri] n. 陶器;瓦器;土器

composition [ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n] n. 成分构成,成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品

3_45 The power of the press 新闻报道的威力(3.5min)

# 1st listen;

3_54 Instinct or Cleverness? 是本能还是机智(3.9min)

Listen to the tape and answer the question below.
Was the writer successful in protecting his peach tree? Why not?

We have been brought up to fear insects. We regard them as unnecessary creatures that do more harm than good. We continuously wage war on them, for they contaminate our food, carry diseases or devour our crops. They sting or bite without provocation; they fly uninvited into our rooms on summer nights, or beat against our lighted windows. We live in dread not only of unpleasant insects like spiders or wasps, but of quite harmless ones like moths. Reading about them increases our understanding without dispelling our fears. Knowing that the industrious ants live in a highly organized society does nothing to prevent us from being filled with revulsion when we find hordes of them crawling over a carefully prepared picnic lunch.

No matter how much we like honey, or how much we have read of the uncanny sense of direction which bees possess, we have a horror of being stung. Most of our fears are unreasonable, but they are impossible to erase. At the same time, however, insects are strangely fascinating. We enjoy reading about them, especially when we find that like the Praying Mantis, they lead perfectly horrible lives. We enjoy staring at them, entranced as they go about their business, unaware -we hope – of our presence. Who has not stood in awe at the sight of a spider pouncing on a fly, or a column of ants triumphantly bearing home an enormous dead beetle?

Last summer, I spent days in the garden watching thousands of ants crawling up the trunk of my prize peach tree. The tree has grown against a warm wall on a sheltered side of the house. I am especially proud of it, not only because it has survived several severe winters, but because it occasionally produces luscious peaches. During the summer I noticed that the leaves of the tree were begining to wither. Clusters of tiny insects called Aphids were to be found on the underside of the leaves. They were visited by a large colony of ants which obtained a sort of honey from them. I immediately embarked on an experiment which, even though it failed to get rid of the ants, kept me fascinated for twenty-four hours. I bound the base of the tree with sticky tape, making it impossible for the ants to reach the Aphids. The tape was so sticky that they did not dare to cross it. For a long time, I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree in bewilderment. I even went out at midnight with a torch and noted with satisfaction (and surprise) that the ants were still swarming around the sticky tape without being able to do anything about it. I got up early next morning, hoping to find that the ants had given up in despair. Instead, I saw that they had discovered a new route. They were climbing up the wall of the house and then on to the leaves of the tree. I realized sadly that I had been completely defeated by their ingenuity. The ants had been quick to find an answer to my thoroughly unscientific methods.

wage v. 进行(斗争)
contaminate v. 弄脏
provocation n. 惹怒
wasp n. 黄蜂
moth n. 飞蛾
revulsion n. 厌恶
uncanny adj. 神秘的,不可思议的
praying mantis  螳螂
sheltered adj. 伤不着的,无危险的
luscious adj. 甘美的
aphid n. 蚜虫
scurry v. 小步跑
ingenuity n. 机灵



去年夏天,我花了好几天时间站在花园里观察成千只蚂蚁爬上我那棵心爱的桃树的树干。那棵树是靠着房子有遮挡的一面暖墙生长的。我为这棵树感到特别自豪,不仅因为它度过了几个寒冬终于活了下来,而且还因为它有时结出些甘甜的桃子来。到了夏天,我发现树叶开始枯萎,结果在树叶背面找到成串的叫作蚜虫小虫子。蚜虫遭到一窝蚂蚁的攻击,蚂蚁从它们身上可以获得一种蜜。我当即动手作了一项试验,这项试验尽管没有使我摆脱这些蚂蚁,却使我着迷了 24 小时。我用一条胶带把桃树底部包上,不让蚂蚁接近蚜虫。胶带极粘,蚂蚁不敢从上面爬过。在很长一段时间里,我看见蚂蚁围着大树底部来回转悠,不知所措。半夜,我还拿着电筒来到花园里,满意地(同时惊奇地)发现那些蚂蚁还围着胶带团团转,无能为力。第二天早上,我起床后希望看见蚂蚁已因无望而放弃了尝试,结果却发现它们又找到一条新的路径。它们正在顺着房子的外墙往上爬,然后爬上树叶。我懊丧地感到败在了足智多谋的蚂蚁的手下。蚂蚁已很快找到了相应的对策,来对付我那套完全不科学的办法!

# 2022.5.25 9:33-->9:40 1st: ok; 2nd:ok; # 2022.5.25 9:41-->10:00 paper 听写 31% (20min) provocation [ˌprɒvəˈkeɪʃn] n. 激怒,挑衅,挑衅性事件;<法律> 挑衅(行为或语言);(尤指蓄意的)性挑逗;(诱发反应或反射作用的)激发试验 dread [dred] v. 畏惧,担心;<古>敬畏 n. 害怕,畏惧;令人生畏的人,可怕的事物;(鸥鸟等鸟群的)惊飞,惊起;将头发编成“骇人”发型的人 adj. 令人生畏的,可怕的;恼火的,生气的 wasp [wɒsp] n. 黄蜂;<美>盎格鲁—撒克逊族裔的白人新教徒(指社会上拥有强大权力和影响力的白人) moth [mɒθ] n. 飞蛾,蛾;<非正式>衣蛾 dispel [dɪˈspel] v. 驱散,消除(尤指感觉或信仰) industrious [ɪnˈdʌstriəs] adj. 勤劳的,勤奋的 revulsion [rɪˈvʌlʃn] n. 剧变;厌恶;强烈反感;抽回 horde [hɔːd] n. 一大群,群;游牧部落 crawl [krɔːl] v. 爬行,匍匐前进;缓慢移动,缓慢行进;挤满,爬满;谄媚奉承,卑躬屈膝 n. 缓慢移动,徐行;爬泳,自由泳;(海边浅滩的鱼、龟等)围养池 picnic [ˈpɪknɪk] n. 野餐,野餐活动;野餐食物;<非正式>愉快事物,轻松事物 v. 参加野餐活动 # 30%, P128/147 (2022.5.26 9:29-->10:00) uncanny [ʌnˈkæni] adj. 神秘的;离奇的;可怕的 possess [pəˈzes] v. <正式> 拥有,持有;具有(品质或能力);(尤指邪恶的鬼魅或精灵)缠住,迷住;受(感情)支配,受(感情)影响;了解,懂得;<文> 与(女人)性交 praying mantis [ˌpreɪɪŋ ˈmæntɪs] 螳螂 praying [preŋ] n. 祈祷 mantis [ˈmæntɪs] n. [昆]螳螂 entranced [ɪnˈtrɑːnst] adj. 着迷的;狂喜的 vt. 使狂喜;使入迷(entrance 的过去式和过去分词) entrance [ˈentrəns] n. 入口,进口;进入,进门;(演员的)登台,登场;进入权,进入许可;卷入,参与;着手,开始;就任,就职 v. 使入迷,使狂喜 unaware [ˌʌnəˈweə(r)] adj. 不知道的,未察觉到的,未意识到的 adv. 意外地,不知不觉地 stand in awe 肃然起敬 in awe 敬畏地 awe [ɔː] n. 敬畏,惊叹;<古>使人敬畏的力量 v. 使敬畏,使惊叹 pouncing [ˈpaʊnsɪŋ] v. 猛扑,突袭(pounce 的现在分词) pounce [paʊns] vi. 突袭,猛扑 vt. 扑过去抓住 n. 猛扑,爪 column [ˈkɒləm] n. 圆柱,纪念柱;柱状物;纵队,纵行(列);(报纸、杂志上的)栏;(报纸或杂志的)专栏(文章) triumphantly [traɪˈʌmfəntli] adv. 成功地;耀武扬威地 bear [beə(r)] v. 手持,携带;【(车,船)运输,运送】;写有,刻有;以(姓名,头衔)相称;见证,作证;承担,担负(责任);经得起;承受,容忍;生育(孩子);(树,植物)结(果实),长出(花);拐弯 trunk [trʌŋk] n. 树干;(人或动物的)躯干;象鼻;<美>(汽车后部的)行李箱,后备箱;旅行箱,衣箱;男式游泳裤(trunks);大血管,神经干;电缆管道,通风管;拳击手短裤(trunks) prize [praɪz] n. 奖品,奖项;非常珍贵的人(或物),十分重要的人(或物);<史>(海战中)缴获的敌船 adj. 可获奖的,优等的;作为奖品的;获奖的;有奖的;<英,非正式>完全的;非常重要的,珍贵的 v. 珍视,高度重视;<美>撬开;竭力打探(消息等) # 55%, P128/147 (2022.5.26 14:32-->14:47) 15min; warm [wɔːm] adj. 暖和的,温暖的;(衣服或建筑物)保暖的,防寒的;友好的,热情的;暖色调的;(尤指儿童游戏中)快要发现的,即将猜中的;(土壤)吸热快的,保温的;(猎)(气味,踪迹)新鲜的,强烈的;(声音)充满情感的,浑厚饱满的 severe [sɪˈvɪə(r)] adj. 十分严重的,极为恶劣的;艰巨的,严峻的;(惩罚、批评)严厉的,重的;严厉的,苛刻的;不加装饰的,朴素的 luscious [ˈlʌʃəs] adj. 甘美的;满足感官的 * ADJ Luscious food is juicy and very good to eat. 美味多汁的 wither [ˈwɪðə(r)] v. (使)枯萎,(使)干枯;衰弱,逐渐消失;使感到愚蠢,使感到羞愧;(人的四肢、皮肤等)变枯槁,萎缩 aphid [ˈeɪfɪd] n. [昆] 蚜虫 immediately [ɪˈmiːdiətli] adv. 立即,马上;紧接地,紧靠地;直接地 embark [ɪmˈbɑːk] v. 上船,上飞机;着手,开始(新的或艰难的事情) get rid of 摆脱,除去 scurry [ˈskʌri] v. 急赶;碎步急跑 n. 匆忙;混乱;急跑;短距离赛跑(或赛马) bewilderment [bɪˈwɪldəmənt] n. 困惑,迷惘 swarm [swɔːm] n. 一大群(移动中的昆虫);(移动着的)一大群人;v. (昆虫)成群飞行;(人)蜂涌,涌动;挤满,云集;成群地包围;爬(梯子等),攀 # 85%, despair [dɪˈspeə(r)] n. 绝望;令人绝望的人或事 v. 绝望,丧失信心 ingenuity [ˌɪndʒəˈnjuːəti] n. 心灵手巧,聪明才智,独创力;精巧的装置;灵活的方法 thoroughly [ˈθʌrəli] adv. 完全地,极度地;仔细地,认真地,彻底地 shelter [ˈʃeltə(r)] n. 居所,住处;(尤指用以躲避风雨或攻击的)遮蔽物,庇护处;遮蔽,庇护;(人或动物)收容所 v. 提供庇护,提供保护;躲避,避难;使(某人)免遭(困难,讨厌的事);使免交税 # 2022.5.26 19:50 又听一遍; # 2022.5.27 9:02--9:11 又听一遍; 对照翻译再听一遍; # 2022.5.28 20:12 1+1+1; # 2022.5.31 9:56 1+1; # 2022.6.9 9:55 中译英 第1段(/nce/cn_to_en_3.txt); 写错很多单词,很多句子写的不地道。 写错的单词: mysterious [mɪˈstɪəriəs] adj. 不可思议的,难以理解的;(人)神秘的,陌生的;保密的,故弄玄虚的
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