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Economist 20230826

目录 注: 记录每次的日期和时间区间,进度百分比。

12. A problem child 厄尔尼诺现象

012 Briefing - El Nino.mp3

# 0%, (2023/9/14 )
# Rainfall records were smashed in Los Angeles and San Diego.
# 洛杉矶和圣地亚哥的降雨量打破了记录。

smash [smæʃ] v. 打碎,(使)粉碎;(使)猛击

# Death Valley, farther inland, was deluged with as much rain in a day as it normally receives in a year.
# 离内陆更远的死亡谷,一天的降雨量相当于正常情况下一年的降雨量。

deluge [ˈdeljuːdʒ]  n. 暴雨,洪水;涌现的事物,蜂拥而至的事物;(《圣经》中的)大洪水(the Deluge)v. 使涌来,使充满;泛滥,淹没

# Inundated roads completely cut off the nearby city of Palm Springs (pictured) for a time.
# 洪水淹没的道路一度完全切断了附近城市棕榈泉(如图)的交通。

inundate [ˈɪnʌndeɪt] v. 压倒,控制;<正式>淹没,泛滥

# Hurricanes and tropical storms hit California only very rarely: none had even come close since 1997, and the previous one to make landfall was in 1939.

# Most of the few that have reached the state, however, including Hilary, have coincided with El Niño, a weather pattern that temporarily raises global temperatures while redistributing heat and moisture around the world.

meteorologist [ˌmiːtiəˈrɒlədʒɪst] n. 气象学者

# “We are in uncharted waters,” says Maarten van Aalst, director of the Dutch meteorological agency and former head of the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre.

uncharted [ˌʌnˈtʃɑːtɪd] adj. 未知的;图上未标明的
Dutch [dʌtʃ] adj. 荷兰的,荷兰人的,荷兰语的 n. 荷兰人(the Dutch);荷兰语;
crescent [ˈkres(ə)nt] n. 新月形,月牙形;新月(伊斯兰教的象征)

# El Niños form and eventually dissipate owing to interactions between the trade winds that blow to the south of the equator and the ocean beneath them.
# El Niños的形成和最终消散是由于吹向赤道以南的信风和其下的海洋之间的相互作用。

dissipate [ˈdɪsɪpeɪt] v. (使某事物)消散,消失;挥霍,耗费;放荡
trade wind [treɪd wɪnd] 贸易风:一种几乎持续吹向同一方向的风。通常以复数形式使用。 信风(trade wind)
# The sailors used the trade winds to travel across the ocean.
# 水手们利用贸易风穿越海洋。
equator [ɪˈkweɪtə(r)] n. 赤道

# The resulting accumulations of hotter- or colder-than average water and high or low pressure in the atmosphere affect temperatures, winds and rainfall.
# 由此产生的比平均温度更热或更冷的水的积累以及大气中的高压或低压会影响温度、风和降雨。

# Most of the time, the trade winds blow warm water from the central Pacific westward, towards Australia and Asia. 
# 大多数时候,信风将温暖的海水从太平洋中部向西吹向澳大利亚和亚洲。
# That movement, in turn, helps draw cooler water up from the depths in the eastern Pacific, near South America.
# 这种运动反过来又有助于从靠近南美洲的东太平洋深处吸引较冷的水。

# But every two-to-seven years, conditions conspire to create a vast pool of warmer-than-average surface water all the way across the Pacific, as far as South America.
# 但每隔两到七年,各种条件共同作用,形成一个比平均温度高的巨大地表水池,横跨太平洋,远至南美洲。

conspire [kənˈspaɪə(r)] v. 密谋,共谋;共同导致

# In recent weeks small fishing boats in the port of Pisco have been unloading species rarely found nearby: butterfish, sierra, sardines.
# 最近几周,皮斯科港的小渔船一直在卸载附近罕见的物种:鲳鱼、塞拉鱼和沙丁鱼。
butterfish [ˈbʌtəˌfɪʃ] n. 鲳;溜滑的鱼;牛油鱼
sierra [siˈerə] n. [地理]锯齿山脊;呈齿状起伏的山脉
sardine [ˌsɑːˈdiːn] n. 沙丁鱼;庸碌无能的人

# Farther down the waterfront, factories that normally grind its catch into fishmeal are shuttered.
# 在滨水区更远的地方,通常将渔获磨成鱼粉的工厂已经关闭。
waterfront [ˈwɔːtəfrʌnt] n. 滩,海滨;水边
grind [ɡraɪnd] v. 磨碎,碾碎;使锋利;用力挤压;摩擦(发出刺耳声)
fishmeal [ˈfɪʃmiːl] n. 鱼粉

# No smoke billows from their chimneys; no fishy odour lingers in the air.
# 他们的烟囱里没有滚滚浓烟;空气中没有鱼腥味。
billow [ˈbɪləʊ] n. 巨浪 vi. 翻腾
odour [ˈəʊdə(r)] n. (尤指难闻的)气味,臭味;意味,迹象;名声
shutter [ˈʃʌtə(r)] n. 百叶窗,活动护窗 v. <美>使停业,使倒闭

# 16.9%, (2023/9/18 14:19-->14:52) 33min;
# An industry with exports of $2bn a year has been brought to a standstill.
# 一个年出口额达20亿美元的行业陷入了停滞。
standstill [ˈstændstɪl] n. 停止,停顿

# The hiatus has contributed to an economic contraction in Peru and is likely to keep global fishmeal prices high for much of the year.
# 这一中断导致秘鲁经济萎缩,并可能在今年大部分时间内使全球鱼粉价格居高不下。
hiatus [haɪˈeɪtəs] n. 裂缝,空隙,脱漏部分;间断;元音连读
contraction [kənˈtrækʃ(ə)n] n. 收缩,缩小;痉挛,子宫收缩;缩约词,缩约形式;(疾病、习惯等的)招致,染上
# mp3读错一个单词:contraction

supercharge [ˈsuːpətʃɑːdʒ; ˈsjuː-]  vt. 对……增压;使……超载;使……过分;使……超负荷 n. 超负荷;过荷

# More water evaporates, which warms the upper atmosphere and fuels tropical thunderstorms.
# 更多的水蒸发,使上层大气变暖,助长了热带雷暴。
evaporate [ɪˈvæpəreɪt] v. (使)蒸发,挥发;消失,消散
fuel [ˈfjuːəl] n. 燃料,燃烧剂 v. (给……)提供燃料,加油;刺激,加剧

convection [kənˈvekʃn] n. 〔气体、液体的〕对流;传送

# No two El Niños are the same, but some general patterns exist.
# 没有两个El Niños是相同的,但存在一些一般模式。

cone [kəʊn] n. 圆锥体;圆锥形物;

# Sometimes, the consequences can be devastating.
# 有时,后果可能是毁灭性的。
devastating [ˈdevəsteɪtɪŋ] adj. 毁灭性的,极具破坏力的;令人极为震惊的;

# A relatively mild El Niño in 2018-19 helped to fuel some of the worst wildfires in Australia's history.
# 2018-19年相对温和的厄尔尼诺Niño助长了澳大利亚历史上最严重的野火。

# The exceptionally strong El Niño of 2014-16 brought droughts and floods that left some 60m people around the world short of food, drove huge outbreaks of Zika virus across South America and bleached 29% of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.
# 2014- 2016年异常强烈的厄尔尼诺Niño带来了干旱和洪水,导致全球约6000万人缺粮,导致寨卡病毒在南美洲大规模爆发,澳大利亚29%的大堡礁漂白。
exceptionally [ɪkˈsepʃənəli] adv. 极其,非常;只有在特殊情况下,例外地
bleach [bliːtʃ] v. 漂白,使褪色,晒白;使失去活力,使失去实质内容;

# 27% (2023.9.20 14:25->14:50)25min
# At times, the changes in the weather can also bring benefits.

# This year rains in Argentina are expected to increase grain production, breaking a long drought.
# 今年阿根廷的降雨有望增加粮食产量,打破长期干旱。

# El Niño years typically yield milder Atlantic hurricane seasons, reducing damage to property and crops (though that may not hold this year because of unusually hot waters in the North Atlantic).
# 厄尔尼诺Niño年份通常会产生较温和的大西洋飓风季节,减少对财产和农作物的损失(尽管由于北大西洋异常炎热的海水,今年可能不会出现这种情况)。
hold [həʊld] v. (用手、手臂等)抓住,托住,夹住;(好形势)保持不变,持续;

# El Niño s impacts are hugely varied, too, going far beyond fisheries and agriculture.
# El Niño的影响也非常多样,远远超出了渔业和农业。

# In 2015 production at a lithium plant in northern Chile that accounted for 30% of the world's output was disrupted by heavy rain.
# 2015年,智利北部一家锂工厂的产量占世界产量的30%,但因暴雨而中断。
lithium ['lɪθiəm] n. 锂
Chile [ˈtʃɪli] n. 智利(南美洲国家)

# The ensuing jitters in the lithium market were not something forecasters had predicted.
# 预测人士没有预料到锂市场随后出现的动荡。
ensuing /ɪnˈsjuːɪŋ / adj. 因而发生的,随后的
ensue [ɪnˈsjuː] v. 继而发生,因而发生;追求
jitter / ˈdʒɪtə(r) / n 抖动,颤动

# 1982-83, 1997-98, $4.1trn and $5.7trn

# 34%, (2023.9.25 14:02--> 14:22)20min;
# In both periods, in other words, as El Niño unfolded, other completely unrelated factors were also curbing economic growth in emerging markets.
# 换句话说,在这两个时期,随着Niño事件的展开,其他完全不相关的因素也在抑制新兴市场的经济增长。
unfold [ʌnˈfəʊld] v. 打开,展开;呈现,逐渐明朗;发生,发展
curb [kɜːb] v. 控制,抑制;勒住(马)

# Disaggregating the impact of these different events is extremely difficult.
# 分解这些不同事件的影响是极其困难的。
disaggregate [dɪsˈæɡrɪɡeɪt] vt. 分解;使……崩溃;解开聚集 vi. 分解;解聚

# 0-27% (2023.11.20 20:30->21:32) 60min;
# 27-38% (2023.11.27 14:17->14:42) 25min;
Atlantic [ətˈlæntɪk] n. 大西洋;(地质)大西洋气候期

# Inflation, meanwhile, rose almost everywhere as commodity prices jumped.
# 与此同时,随着大宗商品价格的飙升,几乎所有地方的通胀都在上升
commodity [kəˈmɒdəti] n. 商品,货物;有用的东西,必需品

# 27% (2023.11.28 13:49->14:32) 40min;
meteorological [ˌmiːtiərəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l] adj. 气象学的 

# A 1.5°C rise constitutes a strong event; more than 2°C counts as “very strong”, on a par with the biggest El Niños of the past century.
# 1.5摄氏度的上升构成了一个强烈的事件;超过2摄氏度就是非常强烈的,与上个世纪最大的厄尔尼诺相当。
constitute [ˈkɒnstɪtjuːt] v. 组成,构成;是,被视为;成立,设立;任命
count [kaʊnt] v. (按顺序)数数;计数,点数目;把……算入,包括;重要;被允许,被接受;看作,认为
on a par with 与……处于同一水平或标准上
# The quality of their products is on a par with the leading brands.

# 2018-19 3.4: 
# 0.9°C // null point nine degree celcious. #零点摄氏九度。
Celsius [ˈselsiəs] adj. (温度)摄氏的

# Global average temperatures reached successive records in 2015 and 2016.
# 全球平均气温在2015年和2016年连续创下纪录。
successive [səkˈsesɪv] adj. 连续的,依次的;接替的,继承的

# According to Michelle L’Heureux, who co-ordinates NOAA’s El Niño forecast updates, there is a 30% chance that this year’s will end up just as mighty.
# 据负责协调NOAA厄尔尼诺 预报更新的米歇尔·L·赫鲁克斯(Michelle L . Heureux)说,今年有30%的可能性将以同样强大的厄尔尼诺结束。
mighty [ˈmaɪti] adj. 强大的,巨大的;(动作)用力的,需用力的 adv. 很,非常,十分

# Three factors are likely to compound this El Niño, bringing new extremes.
# 三个因素可能会加剧El Niño,带来新的极端情况。
compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd] n. 混合物,化合物;复合词;大院,有围墙的场地 adj. 复合的,混合的;以复利计算的 v. 使加重,使恶化;合成,混合;以复利计算支付;和解,私了

# First, it arrives right on the heels of three consecutive years of La Niña, the inverse of El Niño, when winds propel warm Pacific water more strongly than usual westward, towards Asia, temporarily reducing global temperatures.
# 首先,它紧跟着连续三年的La Niña(与El Niño相反)而来,当风将温暖的太平洋海水推向比平时更强烈的西向亚洲,暂时降低全球气温。
consecutive [kənˈsekjətɪv] adj. 连续的,不间断的
propel [prəˈpel] v. 推进,驱动;推搡(某人走向特定方向); 驱使,促使

# Three straight years of La Niña mean there is more heat to be released.
# 连续三年的La Niña意味着更多的热量将被释放
straight [streɪt] adj. 直的,笔直的;端正的,竖直的;[连续的]

#上文出现三个“连续的”: straight / consecutive / successive /

# For decades researchers have been taking the temperature not only at the surface but also at depths of up to 2,000 metres.
# 几十年来,研究人员不仅测量了地表温度,还测量了2000米深处的温度。
# 测量温度  take the temperature

# Since the 1990s these deeper waters have been running an ever-rising fever.
# 自20世纪90年代以来,这些更深的水域一直在不断升温。

pelagic [pəˈlædʒɪk] adj. 浮游的;远洋的,深海的

# A possible explanation of the early surge in temperatures is that some of the heat accumulated in the deep ocean is starting to resurface.
# 对早期气温飙升的一种可能解释是,积累在深海中的一些热量开始重新出现。
resurface [ˌriːˈsɜːfɪs] vi. 重新露面;浮上水面

# 52% (2023.12.1 14:16->14:38) 22min
# Perhaps we re beginning to see some of that redistribution of heat now manifesting itself
# 也许我们开始看到一些热量的重新分配现在显现出来了。
manifest [ˈmænɪfest] v. 显示,表明;(鬼魂或神灵)显灵,出现;(病症)显现;把……列入货单

# Global warming means the air is more charged with water, rainfall fluctuations are increasing.
# 全球变暖意味着空气中充满了更多的水,降雨量的波动也在增加

# and therefore, a given El Niño with the same strength as we had in the past can dump more water or cause a bigger drought
# 因此,如果厄尔尼诺Niño的强度与过去相同,那么它可能会带来更多的水,或者造成更严重的干旱
dump [dʌmp] v. 丢弃,扔掉;乱堆,乱放;丢下,抛弃;分手,甩掉
cause [kɔːz] v.导致,引起:使某事发生或产生某种结果。
# The storm caused a lot of damage.
# 暴风雨造成了很多损失。

# I am confident that 2024 will be unprecedented in terms of global temperatures
# 我相信,就全球气温而言,2024年将是前所未有的
unprecedented [ʌnˈpresɪdentɪd] adj. 前所未有的,史无前例的;(大小、数量、程度等)前所未知的,空前的

# Currently, the planet is 1.26°C warmer than before the invention of the steam engine.
# 目前,地球的温度比蒸汽机发明之前高1.26摄氏度。

# 1.26°C # one point two six degree celcious

# 3.4 region, 0.07°C global

# as a rule of thumb # 作为经验法则:一种基于经验和常识的一般性原则或指导方针。
# As a rule of thumb, you should save at least 10% of your income for retirement.
# 作为经验法则,你应该至少存储收入的10%用于退休。

# A strong or very strong event could therefore push the total rise in the average temperature to 1.4°C.
# 因此,一个强烈或非常强烈的事件可能会使平均气温上升1.4摄氏度。

# That means that the regions that often suffer drought and wildfires during El Niño—Australia, Indonesia and parts of the Amazon Basin—are at heightened risk.
# 这意味着在厄尔尼诺Niño期间经常遭受干旱和野火的地区,澳大利亚、印度尼西亚和亚马逊盆地的部分地区面临着更大的风险。
basin [ˈbeɪs(ə)n] n. 盆;洗涤槽;流域;盆地,海盆;内港,内湾

# 61% (2023.12.4 13:39->14:29) 50min
# 2019 240,000 m^2
# In Australia alone, even the weak El Niño of 2019 helped to incinerate 240,000 square kilometres of bush, killing nearly 500 people, destroying thousands of homes and wiping out A$5bn ($3.5bn) of crops and livestock.
# 仅在澳大利亚,即使是2019年微弱的厄尔尼诺现象也【导致】24万平方公里的丛林被焚烧,造成近500人死亡,数千所房屋被毁,50亿澳元(35亿美元)的农作物和牲畜被毁。
help to 有助于,促进
incinerate [ɪnˈsɪnəreɪt] v. 把……烧成灰烬,焚毁

# This year’s El Niño is likely to be compounded by the positive phase of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), a weather pattern characterised by fluctuating surface temperatures in the Indian Ocean that further accentuates dry conditions in Australia and Indonesia.
# 今年的厄尔尼诺现象可能会因印度洋偶极子(IOD)的正相位而变得更加复杂,这是一种以印度洋表面温度波动为特征的天气模式,进一步加剧了澳大利亚和印度尼西亚的干旱状况。
compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd] n. 混合物,化合物 adj. 复合的,混合的 v. 使加重,使恶化;合成,混合
dipole [ˈdaɪpəʊl] n. [物化] 偶极;双极子
characterise [ˈkærəktəraɪz] v. 是……的特征;使……具有特点;刻划……的性格(或特征);
accentuate [əkˈsentʃueɪt] vt. 强调;重读

# Three years of heavy rains under La Niña, meanwhile, have boosted plant growth.
# 与此同时,拉尼娜现象连续三年的大雨也促进了植物的生长。
boost [buːst] v. 使增长,推动;<美,非正式>偷窃;宣扬,推广
# 替代词:promote 促进

# Lingering moisture in the soil and plants may offer some protection. But if all that vegetation dries out, it will fuel fiercer blazes.
# 土壤和植物中持续的水分可能会提供一些保护。但如果所有的植被都干枯了,就会引发更猛烈的大火。
linger [ˈlɪŋɡə(r)] v. 继续存留,缓慢消失;流连,逗留;持续看(或思考);苟延残喘;消磨,缓慢度过
vegetation [ˌvedʒəˈteɪʃ(ə)n] n. (总称)植物,植被;(植物的)生长;呆板单调的生活
blaze [bleɪz] v. 熊熊燃烧;闪耀,发亮光 n. 大火,烈火;火焰;

# The IOD can also reinforce the wet conditions that El Niño typically brings to east Africa.
# IOD还可以加强El Niño通常给东非带来的潮湿条件。
reinforce [ˌriːɪnˈfɔːs] v. 加强,强化(观点、思想或感觉);加固,使更结实;给……加强力量(或装备),增援;寻求(或得到)增援
# 替换词: promote, boost, reinforce 加强,促进

# On the face of things, that should be a positive after years of drought. But the rainfall is likely to be excessive, and might flood farmland and damage the roads used to bring crops to market.
# 从表面上看,经过多年的干旱,这应该是一个积极的因素。但降雨可能会过多,可能会淹没农田,破坏用于将农作物运往市场的道路。
excessive [ɪkˈsesɪv] adj. 过度的,过多的

# Disasters of this sort will also create havoc in agricultural markets.
# 这类灾难也会对农产品市场造成严重破坏。
havoc [ˈhævək] n. 灾难,混乱 v. 严重破坏;<旧>严重破坏

# As it is, India’s government has declared a ban on exports of certain types of rice, in anticipation of drier-than-usual conditions while the current crop is growing.
# 事实上,印度政府已经宣布禁止出口某些种类的大米,因为预计在目前的作物生长期间会出现比平时更干旱的天气。

# The ban affects about half of India’s annual exports, which in total account for 40% of the global trade in rice by volume.
# 这一禁令影响了印度大约一半的年出口量,而印度的年出口量占全球大米贸易量的40%。
volume [ˈvɒljuːm] n. 体积,容积;总数,总量;音量,响度;
account for (数量、比例上) 占

# It has sent world rice prices to their highest level since 2011.
# 这使得世界大米价格达到2011年以来的最高水平。 

#2015-16, 15m tonnes, 7%
# in 2015-16 South-East Asia s crop declined by 15m tonnes, 7% of global stocks.
# 2015-16年,东南亚的粮食产量下降了1500万吨,占全球库存的7%。
decline [dɪˈklaɪn] v. 下降,衰退;拒绝,谢绝;变格,词形变化 n. 减少,衰退

# The spectre of potential shortages has prompted panic buying among Asian governments since the beginning of the year.
# 自今年年初以来,对潜在短缺的担忧促使亚洲各国政府恐慌性买进。
spectre [ˈspektə(r)] n. 幽灵;妖怪;鬼性(等于 specter)

# 74% (2023.12.12 14:14->14:44) 30min;
# Wheat, too, could be in for a wild ride. Australia produces 12-15% of the global crop and yields can halve in El Niño years.
# 小麦价格也可能出现剧烈波动。澳大利亚的玉米产量占全球的12-15%,产量可能在2050年内减半。

precarious [prɪˈkeəriəs] adj. 摇摇欲坠的,不稳固的;(局势)不确定的,危险的

# Palm oil is another vulnerable product. A drought in Indonesia and Malaysia, the two biggest exporters, would diminish yields.
# 棕榈油是另一种易受攻击的产品。 印尼和马来西亚这两个最大的粮食出口国的干旱将会减少产量。
vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəbl] adj. (身体或精神)脆弱的,易受伤的;(事物、人或地方)易受攻击的,易受伤害的;易患病的;(桥牌)有局方的,有身价的
# 非常脆弱的?
Malaysian [məˈleɪʒn; məˈleɪziən] adj. 马来西亚的;马来西亚人的 n. 马来西亚人(等于 Malay)

# S&P Global reckons that Malaysian exports could fall by 10% if the incipient El Niño is mild and double that if it is severe.
# 标准普尔全球公司估计,如果早期的El Niño是温和的,马来西亚的出口可能会下降10%,如果是严重的,则会下降两倍。
reckon [ˈrekən] v. 估算,计算;<非正式>料想,认为;把……看作
incipient [ɪnˈsɪpiənt] adj. 初期的;初始的;起初的;发端的
# ADJ An incipient situation or quality is one that is starting to happen or develop. 开始发生的; 正在发展的 [正式] [ADJ n]
# 例:...an incipient economic recovery. ...一种初期的经济复苏。
severe [sɪˈvɪə(r)] adj. 十分严重的,极为恶劣的;艰巨的,严峻的;(惩罚、批评)严厉的,重的;严厉的,苛刻的;不加装饰的,朴素的
替换词 severe: great or intense. 严重的

# After Russia s invasion of Ukraine last year, palm oil helped make up for a dearth of sunflower oil, 75% of which is normally produced by the two adversaries.
# 去年俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后,棕榈油帮助弥补了葵花籽油的短缺,通常75%的葵花籽油是由这两个敌对国家生产的。
dearth [dɜːθ] n. 缺乏;<古>食物短缺,饥荒
sunflower [ˈsʌnflaʊə(r)] n. 向日葵
adversary [ˈædvəsəri] n. 敌手,对手 adj. 对立的,敌对的

# El Niño will thus come as a second blow to the already stretched market for edible oils.
# 因此,El Niño将是对本已吃紧的食用油市场的第二次打击。
stretched [stretʃt] adj. 拉伸的;延伸的
edible [ˈedəb(ə)l] adj. 可食用的 n. 食物

# Another likely outcome of a strong El Niño is an increase in disease.
# 强厄尔尼诺Niño的另一个可能结果是疾病的增加。

# Viruses replicate more quickly in vectors like mosquitoes as temperatures rise.
# 随着温度的升高,病毒在蚊子等载体中复制得更快。
replicate [ˈreplɪkeɪt] v. 重复,复制;(遗传物质或生物)自我繁殖,自我复制
mosquito [məˈskiːtəʊ] n. 蚊子 => 复数?

# Heavy rainfall creates more places for insects to breed, as can droughts, as people collect more water in accessible receptacles.
# 暴雨为昆虫的繁殖创造了更多的地方,干旱也是如此,因为人们在方便的容器中收集了更多的水。
breed [briːd] v. 交配繁殖;饲养,培育;养育,培养;引起,酿成;(通过核反应)增殖可裂变物质 n. 品种;(人的)类型,种类
receptacle [rɪˈseptək(ə)l] n. [植] 花托;容器;插座
# N-COUNT A receptacle is an object that you use to put or keep things in. 容器 [正式]

# 82% (2023.12.13 14:00->14:40) 40min
collate [kəˈleɪt] vt. 核对,校对;校勘
malaria [məˈleəriə] n. 疟疾

# This year heavy rains and floods exacerbated Peru’s worst-ever outbreak of dengue, overwhelming hospitals in the north.
# 今年,暴雨和洪水加剧了秘鲁有史以来最严重的登革热疫情,使北部的医院不堪重负。
exacerbate [ɪɡˈzæsəbeɪt] v. 使恶化,使加剧
Peru [pəˈruː] n. 秘鲁(拉丁美洲国家名)
dengue [ˈdeŋɡi] n. 登革热
overwhelm [ˌəʊvəˈwelm] v. (感情上)使受不了,使不知所措;使大吃一惊;压垮,使应接不暇;打败,击垮

# Flooding can result in poor sanitation, causing an increase in diarrheal diseases.
# 洪水会导致卫生条件差,导致腹泻疾病增加。
sanitation [ˌsænɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n] n. 公共卫生,环境卫生;下水道设施,卫生设备
diarrheal [ˌdaɪəˈriːəl] adj. 腹泻的

# The displacement and overcrowding that occurs after disaster strikes makes such outbreaks worse.
# 灾害袭击后发生的流离失所和过度拥挤使这种疫情更加严重。
displacement [dɪsˈpleɪsmənt] n. 被迫迁徙,流亡;取代,代替; 排水量;情感转移;电位移

# If the Horn of Africa is indeed drenched by rain, a surge in cholera cases is likely.
# 如果非洲之角确实被雨水浸湿,霍乱病例可能会激增。
drenched [drentʃt] adj. 湿透的;充满的 v. 浸湿;大量覆盖;
cholera [ˈkɒlərə] n. [内科] 霍乱

# Malnutrition exacerbates vulnerability to disease, particularly in the very young or very old.
# 营养不良加剧了对疾病的脆弱性,特别是对幼儿和老年人。
malnutrition [ˌmælnjuˈtrɪʃ(ə)n] n. 营养不良
exacerbate [ɪɡˈzæsəbeɪt] v. 使恶化,使加剧

undernourished [ˌʌndəˈnʌrɪʃt] adj. 营养不良的,营养不足的

# 88% (2023.12.14 14:15->14:45)30min
# And the pandemic has left health services overstretched and weakened.
# 大流行还使卫生服务不堪重负,受到削弱。
pandemic [pænˈdemɪk] adj. (疾病)大规模流行的

# The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a health charity, estimates that covid led to the biggest sustained decline in immunisation rates in 30 years, prompting a surge in outbreaks of preventable illnesses such as measles.
# 健康慈善机构比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会估计,新冠肺炎导致免疫率出现30年来最大的持续下降,导致麻疹等可预防疾病的爆发激增。
charity [ˈtʃærəti] n. 慈善组织,慈善机构;慈善事业;仁慈,宽厚;赈济,施舍
immunisation [ˌɪmjuːnaɪˈzeɪʃən] n. 免疫;免疫法
sustained [səˈsteɪnd] adj. 持续的,持久的;坚定的,坚持不懈的
prompt [prɒmpt] v. 促使,导致;鼓励,提示(说话者);(计算机上)提示;(给演员)提词,提白
measle [ˈmiːz(ə)l] n. [兽医] 米珠,囊尾蚴;麻疹
# 最大的持续下降 the biggest sustained decline in ...

# The fact that many of these ill-effects are foreseeable does at least mean that governments and aid agencies can try to prepare for them.
# 事实上,许多不良影响是可以预见的,这至少意味着政府和援助机构可以尝试为此做好准备。
foreseeable [fɔːˈsiːəb(ə)l] adj. 可预知的,可预料的

# Since 2015 the humanitarian community has increasingly been incorporating seasonal forecasts into their planning.
# 自2015年以来,人道主义界越来越多地将季节性预报纳入其规划。
humanitarian [hjuːˌmænɪˈteəriən] adj. 人道主义的,博爱的;基督凡人论的
incorporate [ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪt] v. 包含,合并;组成公司;掺和,混合(成分);使具体化,体现

# In Honduras, for instance, the Red Cross activated an emergency protocol at the end of June based on the El Niño forecast issued by NOAA. It is distributing cash and kits to sanitise water to places at risk of drought.
# 例如,在洪都拉斯,红十字会根据美国国家海洋和大气管理局发布的El Niño预报,于6月底启动了一项紧急协议。它正在向面临干旱风险的地区分发现金和消毒水的工具包。
protocol [ˈprəʊtəkɒl] n. 礼仪,礼节;国际议定书,协议;条约草案
sanitise [ˈsænɪtaɪz] vt. 采取卫生措施使其安全;给……消毒(等于 sanitize)
# 启动一项紧急协议 activated an emergency protocol

# But careful preparation only gets you so far, especially in poor countries with weak institutions and widespread corruption.
# 但仔细的准备只能让你走到这里,尤其是在制度薄弱、腐败盛行的贫穷国家。
institution [ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃ(ə)n] n. 机构,团体;社会收容机构;制度,习俗;建立,制定;知名的人(或事物)

# 93% (2023.12.20 13:30->13:56) 26min

# Since the last strong El Niño, Peru has shuffled through six presidents.
# 自从上次强大的El Niño以来,秘鲁已经换了六位总统。
shuffle [ˈʃʌf(ə)l] v. 将(纸张等)变换位置,打乱顺序;洗(牌)
V-T If you shuffle playing cards, you mix them up before you begin a game. 洗 (牌)
例:There are various ways of shuffling and dealing the cards.
# 有各种不同的洗牌和发牌方法。

# Precious little of the $14bn set aside for rebuilding and climate-proofing had been invested before floods and landslides hit the same areas again this year.
# 在今年洪水和山体滑坡再次袭击这些地区之前,用于重建和抵御气候变化的140亿美元拨款中,只有很少一部分得到了投资。
precious [ˈpreʃəs] adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的;珍视的,重要的;珍稀的,珍奇的;<非正式>(表示气愤)宝贝似的;(言行)矫揉造作的,过分讲究的;<美,非正式>可爱的,讨人喜欢的
precious little 几乎没有;几乎什么也没有

# More climate-related disasters will probably only deepen popular discontent and dysfunctional politics in Peru, further eroding the government’s capacity to respond.
# 更多与气候有关的灾难可能只会加深秘鲁民众的不满和政治失灵,进一步削弱政府的应对能力。
discontent [ˌdɪskənˈtent] n. 不满,不满足;(多指对主流社会或政治环境)不满的人

# In fact, oscillations in the climate have spurred the rise and fall of civilisations in South America for thousands of years.
# 事实上,数千年来,气候的波动推动了南美文明的兴衰。
oscillation [ˌɒsɪˈleɪʃn] n. 振荡;振动;摆动
spur [spɜː(r)] n. 一时冲动之下,心血来潮;刺激,激励;

# Fempellec, a legendary ruler of an ancient Peruvian kingdom, provides a salutary example.
# 传说中的古秘鲁王国的统治者丰佩莱克就是一个有益的例子。
legendary [ˈledʒəndri] adj. 非常有名的,大名鼎鼎的;传说(中)的
salutary [ˈsæljət(ə)ri] adj. 有益的,有用的;有益健康的

# According to myth, after sustained, unseasonable rains laid waste to crops, his people decided he was to blame. So they tied him up and tossed him into the sea.
# 根据神话,在持续的、不合时宜的降雨破坏了庄稼之后,他的人民认为他是罪魁祸首。他们就把他捆起来,抛在海里。
myth [mɪθ] n. 错误的观点,荒诞的说法;神话,神话故事;虚构的人(或事),想象中的人(或事)
sustained [səˈsteɪnd] adj. 持续的,持久的;坚定的,坚持不懈的 v. 维持,保持;遭受,
unseasonable [ʌnˈsiːznəbl] adj. 不合时宜的;不合季节的
# lay waste 完全摧毁,尤其是指地理区域或地区

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073 Culture - The Monkey King 猴王

073 Culture - The Monkey King.mp3

# 0% (2023.12.20 14:00->14:30) 30min
# A talking monkey is one of China s oldest and most successful cultural exports
# 会说话的猴子是中国最古老、最成功的文化输出品之一

iconic [aɪˈkɒnɪk] adj. 偶像的,图符的,象征性的;
fictional [ˈfɪkʃən(ə)l] adj. 虚构的,小说(中)的

# Sprung from a rock on a mythical mountain, he overcame early hardship to hone his fighting skills, learning to somersault clouds and to turn each hair on his body into a miniature version of his warrior self.
# 他从一座神话般的山峰上的一块岩石中诞生,克服了早期的困难,磨练了自己的战斗技巧,学会了翻云,并把身上的每一根头发都变成了他自己的微型战士。
hone [həʊn] v. 磨练,训练(尤指技艺);磨(刀、剑等);导向,朝向(hone in on);渴望;发牢骚 n. 磨刀石
mythical [ˈmɪθɪkl] adj. 神话的,神话中的;想象的,虚构的
somersault [ˈsʌməsɔːlt] n. 翻滚,筋斗;(观点、态度等)180度的转变 v. 翻筋斗
warrior [ˈwɒriə(r)] n. (尤指旧时的)武士,勇士;(瑜伽体式)战士

# With his mix of mischief and might, he resembles the Hollywood pantheon’s many superheroes.
# 他的顽皮和力量的结合,像好莱坞万神殿的许多超级英雄。
mischief [ˈmɪstʃɪf] n. 恶作剧,捣乱,胡闹;顽皮,淘气;伤害,麻烦,不和;(律)造成损害的行为
pantheon [ˈpænθiən] n. 万神殿;名流群

# The novel is a fantastical retelling of a journey undertaken by a monk in the seventh century to find sacred Buddhist scriptures; the West in its title refers to India, where he travelled.
# 这部小说以奇幻的方式重述了七世纪一位僧人寻找神圣佛经的旅程;书名中的“西方”指的是他去过的印度。
fantastical [fænˈtæstɪkəl] adj. 奇异的,虚构的
undertake [ˌʌndəˈteɪk] v. 承担,从事;承诺,答应;
monk [mʌŋk] n. 僧侣,修道士
Buddhist [ˈbʊdɪst] n. 佛教徒 adj. 佛教的
scripture [ˈskrɪptʃə(r)] n. 《圣经》(Scripture或the Scriptures);(某一宗教的)经文,圣典;《圣经》研究;手稿

# But the ancient story has since conquered the world. It is a rare example of successful Chinese soft power, enduring the many ups and downs in relations between China and America.
# 但这个古老的故事从此征服了世界。这是中国软实力的一个罕见的成功例子,经历了中美关系的多次起伏。
conquer [ˈkɒŋkə(r)] v. 占领,攻克,征服;击败,战胜
endure [ɪnˈdjʊə(r)] v. 持续存在,持久;忍受,忍耐

# The original novel is irreverent at one point Monkey King urinates on the Buddha’s hand.
# 在原著中,孙悟空在佛祖的手上撒尿的情节十分不敬。
irreverent [ɪˈrevərənt] adj. 不敬的,无礼的
urinate [ˈjʊərɪneɪt] v. 排尿,小便

upstage [ˌʌpˈsteɪdʒ] vt. 抢……镜头;使相形见绌 adj. 自负的;在舞台后部的
mischievous [ˈmɪstʃɪvəs] adj. 淘气的,恶作剧的;(行为,事情)有害的,恶意中伤的
sulky [ˈsʌlki] adj. 生闷气的,愠怒的;坏脾气的,爱生闷气的

# 35% (2023.12.2714:14->14:44) 30min
disreputable [dɪsˈrepjətəbl] adj. 声名狼藉的;肮脏的;破烂不堪的
ascribe [əˈskraɪb] v. 把……归因于;认为……是……所说(或所为);认为……具有
scant [skænt] adj. 不足的,缺乏的;将近的,差一点点的
clerk [klɑːk] n. 办事员,职员;售货员,店员;

# As in all good storytelling, from Shakespeare to Star Wars, the ultimate fight in this story is for the protagonist’s soul.
# 就像所有优秀的故事一样,从莎士比亚到《星球大战》,在这个故事中,最终的战斗是为了主人公的灵魂。
protagonist [prəˈtæɡənɪst] n. <正式>(戏剧、电影、小说等的)主人公;<正式> (比赛、斗争中的)主要人物,主要参与者;<正式> (政策、运动的)倡导者,拥护者

# Monkey King’s physical journey is overlaid with a mental one. (Spoiler alert: the rebellious hero finally finds peace.)
# 孙悟空的身体旅程与精神旅程重叠。 (剧透警告:叛逆的英雄终于找到了平静。)
overlay [ˌəʊvəˈleɪ] v. 覆在……上面(overlie 的过去式);覆盖,铺;(尤指以感情或品质)撒满;(声音)盖过

# Each Monkey King retelling has served as a mirror on its times, reflecting the anxieties of its creators.
# 每一部《孙悟空》的重述都是其时代的一面镜子,反映了其创作者的焦虑。

quell [kwel] v. 制止,镇压;消除,减轻(恐惧、担忧等)
crush [krʌʃ] v. 压坏,挤压变形;捣碎,碾成粉末
admire [ədˈmaɪə(r)] v. 钦佩,仰慕;欣赏,观赏
hierarchy [ˈhaɪərɑːki] n. 等级制度;统治集团;等级体系

# A stage adaptation in 1955 praised Monkey’s working-class wisdom in defeating his oppressive rulers, the court of the mythical Jade Emperor.
# 1955年改编的舞台剧赞扬了孙悟空在战胜专制统治者——传说中的玉皇大帝的宫廷——的过程中表现出的工人智慧。
oppressive [əˈpresɪv] adj. (社会、法律、习俗等)压迫的,暴虐的,不公的 ;(天气、空气等)闷热的,难以忍受的;使人苦恼的,令人焦虑的
court [kɔːt] n. 法院,法庭;球场;王宫,宫廷
mythical [ˈmɪθɪkl] adj. 神话的,神话中的;想象的,虚构的

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