News & Digest 英语读报@微信公众号 updated 20190726

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20190917 cnn|Why the'Great Wave' has mystified art lovers for generations

A massive wave threatens to engulf three fishing boats, its foam crown extending like claws, menacing the rowers below.

It's an epic scene of human struggle and natural terror that dwarfs the sacred Mount Fuji just behind it.

Back then, the prints were sold for the price of a bowl of noodles.

Prussian blue, as it's commonly known, was a synthetic color created in the 18th century and prized for its depth and durability. //称赞一个产品

That Hokusai employed the hue as the principal actor in his oceanic drama suggests that he was depicting Japan on the cusp of change. As much as the wave portends instability and danger, it also suggests possibility and adventure. //机会和冒险

"The Great Wave" was the first in his series "Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji," a virtuosic study of Japan's highest and most revered mountain.

"Many people view the painting as the very essence of Japanese culture," says Atsuko Okuda, chief curator of the Sumida Hokusai Museum in Japan. "The simple and powerful composition of the mountain and the shape of the wave strikes right at the heart of the observer."//如何称赞文化?

Observers famously included French Impressionists Edgar Degas and Claude Monet, as well as Dutch master Vincent van Gogh, who was enamored with "The Great Wave."

Great design is about more than good-looking products. It has the power to shape how we experience life.

20190826 economist | The Amazon: On the brink

The Amazon is approaching an irreversible tipping point. //临界点

THE AMAZON basin, most of which sits within the borders of Brazil, contains 40% of the world’s tropical forests and accounts for 10-15% of the biodiversity of Earth’s continents. //占了x% ,两种表达

Over the same period, the average temperature in the basin has risen by about 0.6°C. This century, the region has suffered a series of severe droughts. //温度升高... 经历一系列干旱

They had begun to suspect that, if tree loss passed a certain threshold, the deforestation would start to feed on itself. Beyond this tipping-point, forest cover would keep shrinking whatever humans might try to do to stop it.

As well as spelling extinction for tens of thousands of species, that devastation would change weather patterns over much of South America and release into the atmosphere tens of billions of tonnes of carbon, worsening global warming. //spelling?

In 2012, under then-president Dilma Rousseff, Brazil’s congress passed a new forest code that gave amnesty to those who had taken part in illegal deforestation before 2008. //code[熟词生义]法案 //

The president appears to want the country to return to the time of Brazil’s military dictatorship, when big infrastructure projects prompted widespread destruction in the name of development. //以...的名义

These statistics tell only part of the story. The Amazon matters to the global climate because it is a sink of carbon, mitigating warming. //减缓气候变暖

But the climate matters to the Amazon, too. It is sensitive to changes in temperature and rainfall, as well as to atmospheric carbon-dioxide levels. //这就是辩证法

This is what has led to worries about tipping-points. In an influential paper in 2007 Gilvan Sampaio and Carlos Nobre of Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research forecast that, were 40% of the forest to perish, the loss of water-recycling capacity would mean very little of the rest would have enough rainfall to survive. //虚拟语气

20190726 economist | Johnson: The poetry of emoji

Fortunately, the story of language and the internet has attracted more serious analysts, too. //严肃的分析人士

Rather than obsessing about what the internet is doing to language, it largely focuses on what can be learned about language from the internet. //obsess 困扰; 心神不宁

Anything that helps people enjoy each other’s company can only be a good thing. //享受彼此陪伴

20190712 BBC | Up, up and away

It's more than 100 years since the Wright Brothers. But humanity has never stopped dreaming of flying free like a bird.

In the Greek myth, inventor Daedalus fashioned wings from willow branches, feathers and wax to create a means of escape from prison for himself and his son. //[熟词僻义] fashion vt. 使用;改变;做成…的形状

Was this a warning against human arrogance, or a prophecy about the inevitable conquest of the skies? If it was a warning, it was not heeded. //反问句: 这是...还是...?

Future-gazing city planners always envisaged flying cars and planes - life in three dimensions. //展望未来的城市规划者 //envisage 设想

Low-cost airlines such as Ryanair, EasyJet, AirAsia and Southwest Airlines brought short-haul destinations within reach of almost everyone. //短途目的地 short-haul destinations

Catching a plane became like catching a bus, and the number of air passengers ballooned. //balloon v 激增

More recently climate change reared its head and environmental imperatives – the need to reduce noise and carbon dioxide emissions – began to take precedence. //抬头 reared its head //take precedence = take priority 优先,后面可以跟 over sth

But necessity is the mother of invention, and this recent environmental driver has spawned a new era of innovation which Daedalus would have appreciated. //需求是创新之母 //spawn 酿成,引发

Standing on an airstrip on a cold grey day in Donauwörth, southern Germany, watching Airbus's scale model octocopter rise into the air, it’s hard to imagine the radical transformation in urban mobility that this prototype – and others like it - could herald. //预示着herald //城市交通(urban mobility)的根本性转变(radical transformation)

Dedicated air traffic management systems will ensure safety, and people will soon become comfortable with the idea of autonomous aircraft and the benefits they can bring – greater convenience, less pollution, less congestion. //自动驾驶飞机带来的好处

This is a really big dream for us... We want to transform urban mobility. //表决心

In an emergency, the central automated air traffic management system would take over, he says. //紧急时刻 //接管

Marius Bebesel's CityAirbus team, which is benefiting from tens of millions of euros in development cash from its aircraft manufacturing parent Airbus, aims to have a full-size demonstrator up and flying by the end of 2018. //团队从母公司获取资金 //定语从句

20190702 NPR | Think Of Your Feathered Friends As You Plan For Fireworks

Some 5,000 red-winged blackbirds, European starlings, common grackles and brown-headed cowbirds suffered blunt-force trauma after colliding with cars, trees and buildings, an ornithologist from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission would tell National Geographic. //[熟词生义] game. 猎物

There have been no mass-scale bird deaths reported as a result of fireworks since the Arkansas event, but in recent years, localities across the world have still documented harm to birds from loud pyrotechnics and taken steps to reduce the impact. //完成时

In 2008, for example, federal officials showed that seabirds in the northern California town of Gualala abandoned their nests after a fireworks show, leaving their eggs vulnerable to predators, SF Gate reports. //非谓语动词

A 2015 study published in the journal PNAS estimated that 90 percent of seabirds have likely ingested plastics, though Brown says the issue can also affect other birds as well. //摄食塑料

20190701 NPR | At Your Wits' End With A Screen-Obsessed Kid? Read This

Young children Nathan's age consume over two hours of media per day on average, tweens take in about six hours, and teens use their devices for nine hours a day, according to the nonprofit Common Sense Media. //在屏幕上花费xx时间,动词替换

More recently, a paper from Oxford University analyzed the same data featured in that Atlantic article — more than 350,000 participants in three huge surveys — and arrived at a different conclusion. //获得不同的结果 arrived at

She made edible cookie dough from a recipe she found online, and the whole family ate it together while watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off — a bit of sanctioned screen time, because it counts as a whole-family activity. //被赦免的屏幕时间,全家福时间

20190620 economist | Art and love: A muse’s burden {人物传记}

Written in elegant, lucid prose, her book is a treasure trove of European cultural riches and scandalous intrigue. //是欧洲文化财富和丑闻阴谋的宝库。

Her first serious fling was with the composer Alexander von Zemlinsky. She jettisoned him after meeting Mahler, whose fiancée she soon became. //fling: N-COUNT If two people have a fling, they have a brief sexual relationship. 短暂的风流韵事

Alma was born in 1879, the daughter of the painter Emil Schindler. She worshipped her father, which may help explain the magnetism that talented men exerted on her throughout her eventful life. Yet as Ms Haste emphasises, Alma was creative herself, pursuing both musical composition and piano. //三个主语替换词

She emerges as a tough, lively, cultured and wilful woman, who also composed highly regarded songs that were characteristic of her era; //坚强、活泼、有教养、任性的女人

The sad truth, from a feminist perspective, is that, if Alma had actually led the life of a dedicated composer and forgone her sensational flings, she might now be a much less famous figure. //从..角度。虚拟语气表假设。

20190616 reuters | Huawei asks Verizon to pay over $1 billion for over 230 patents: source

Allies are under U.S. pressure to shun Huawei. But the company's prevalence in existing telecom networks and dominance in 5G technology make that nearly impossible.

China has since upped the pressure on Canada, halting Canadian canola imports and in May suspended the permits of two major pork producers. //暂停的同义替换2个?

20190528 historytoday | For Argument’s Sake

The coming of spring, for medieval poets, usually means the chance of something exciting happening. //插入语

Once flowers, birdsong and sunshine tempt a poet to roam outdoors, spring may be the time for encounters with fairies, lovers and all kinds of marvellous adventures. //once引导的状语从句,引导时间或条件根据句意决定,翻译成:一...就...;一旦....; 当..的什么.

The 13th-century poem The Owl and the Nightingale begins in just such a way, with the poet in a pastoral valley full of blossom. //with结构

If this beautifully silly poem has any serious lesson to teach, it is probably that: a warning against allowing an argumentative spirit to make a fool of you.//教训 lesson to teach; spirit (具有某种特质或热情的) 人;

20190523 historyToday | The Two Prices of Soy

Last autumn, US silos and grain elevators brimmed with a bumper crop of soybeans, yet soy farmers were decidedly not brimming with joy. //[生词生意]elevator 粮仓 //brim vi. 满溢;溢出 //

There just wasn’t enough room. Some farmers had no choice but to pile their beans on the ground, at the mercy of nature, or give up and plough them under to rot.//看老天心情

America’s soybean exporters, processors and some 300,000 farmers are seeing their previously $41 billion industry suffer, perhaps irreversibly. //seeing 眼睁睁的看着

The expansion of railways made marketing wheat to Europe more cost-effective. //修路的好处

Eventually much of that prairie became covered in rotations of maize and soybeans, as the yields, uses and prices of those crops increased.

The soy export ban was only fully in effect for seven days. Yet the spooked Japanese decided they could no longer rely on the US as their sole supplier and invested heavily, for 21 years, in turning Brazil into a soy titan. //美国曾禁止大豆出口日本。多元依赖才是正道。

Argentina and Paraguay, seeing the huge profitability of Brazilian soy, followed suit. //紧随其后

Even brief interruptions to previously successful trading relationships can convince an importer that its trading partner is no longer reliable. Buyers and investors turn elsewhere. //即使一次短时间的打断,也会...

The fewer the planet’s trees, the greater the likelihood of flooding, wildfires, extreme weather and infectious diseases. //The fewer ..., the greater ...

Nixon’s 1973 blunder demonstrates that the abrupt disruption of trade relations can signal unreliability to commercial partners, with long-term environmental consequences. //with结构

If history provides any guide, the current disruption of the soybean trade between the US and China should concern us all.

20190511 economist | Mark Zuckerberg wants to build WeChat for the West

In time, the thinking goes, it may become as indispensable to Westerners as WeChat is in China. //类比句型

This reminds seasoned competition regulators of Microsoft’s attempts to bundle its operating system with a web browser in the mid-1990s in a bid to control cyberspace. //seasoned /'siːznd/ adj. 经验丰富的;老练的;调过味的

20190418 indianEX|Visualchina watermarks black hole image, gets shut down

Accused of falsely watermarking the first image of a black hole, Visual China Group is now facing an investigation by Chinese authorities. //面临调查

Following this incident, chairman of Chinese office developer SOHO China, Pan Shiyi, wrote on Weibo that in 2017, he had received a call from Visual China pointing out that the copyright of the photos of Wangjing SOHO had been infringed. // 侵权怎么说?

20190403 Atlantic|Game of Thrones Turned Its Composer Into a Rock Star

The arsenal of instruments Ramin Djawadi has used to score Game of Thrones includes mournful strings, mighty horns, and the Armenian double-reed woodwind known as a duduk. //score 配乐

They also banned the flute, for fear that Thrones would sound like a Renaissance fair. //for fear that ...

“It doesn’t accompany the scene,” Benioff and Weiss told me via email. “It shapes the scene, as much if not more than any other creative element.” //夸人的艺术

Djawadi needed to write a score capacious enough to evolve over seven seasons, pushing the conceit of “variations on a theme” to the limit. //score 配乐; push .. to the limit 把xx推向极致

20190329 nature | Scientists rise up against statistical significance

We have some proposals to keep scientists from falling prey to these misconceptions. //fall prey to 成为...的牺牲品;深受...之害

20190328 Guardian|The Walking Dead: The Final Season game review – a fittingly grisly end

In 2012, the excellent first season of The Walking Dead video game made its developer Telltale synonymous with player-driven storytelling, forcing gamers to make choices that influenced how things progressed. //非谓语动词

But just one episode into this final season, in 2018, Telltale closed its doors without warning, leaving all but 25 employees without work, benefits or access to healthcare. //非谓语动词

The circumstances of this final ending are disappointing and unfair. But if The Walking Dead has taught us anything, it’s that things don’t always end well. //如何评价最后一集?学到了什么?

20190323 variety|Walt Disney Studios Leaders Say Fox Deal Represents ‘Exciting New Chapter’

There are expected to be as many as 4,000 jobs shed as the two companies merge. //shed 去除; 摆脱

With the announcement that the Disney-Fox deal is officially complete, we begin an exciting new chapter in the history of both our companies and the industry.

As we start this journey of bringing together the combined might of Disney and 21st Century Fox to create the best entertainment studio, we’d like to thank you all for everything you’ve done to bring us to this point and for your continued focus, support, and patience as we proceed.

20190322 atlantic | Why Urban Millennials Love Uniqlo

The question Uniqlo faces now is whether it can inherit the Gap’s empire without repeating its mistakes.//with or without doing ...

Uniqlo has profited from changes in American society, some of which might seem at first glance to be unrelated to fashion.

Millennial shoppers entered a job market with fewer jobs, while carrying more student debt, which limited how much money many of them could spend on clothes.

That austerity contributed to a cultural shift, in which conspicuously expensive clothing fell out of favor.//非限制性定语从句

Until the end of the 19th century, when Western influence became more prevalent, kimonos were commonly worn by Japanese people of varying ages and classes.

Uniqlo can’t promise anything approaching that longevity, but in an era of disposable fashion, a Uniqlo garment, made from hearty materials and cut in a timeless style, can feel like an investment piece.

20190321 cnn | One in five Chinese children is overweight or obese

Increasing incomes have allowed households to spend more on food, and urbanization has made it much easier for families to access better health care and education.//城市化的好处

One in five Chinese children is overweight or obese, a new study has found, up from just 1 in 20 in 1995.

20190316 newsweek | The Messy History of Atomic Development

Our first foray into nuclear power—the Trinity Test, in the Jornada del Muerto desert near Alamogordo—was riddled with inaccurate measurements and conflicting predictions. // 引号的用法

Though the rain had cleared, winds carried the fallout faster and farther than the scientists had hoped. The radioactive cloud from the explosion drifted northeast at about ten miles per hour, dropping a swathe of white, radioactive mist over the cattle ranches nearby.//非谓语动词

Even now, all these years later, we still lack any clear measurements of the environmental and health effects of the Trinity Test. //lack的用法

The science of nuclear testing isn’t only the science of nuclear reactions: It’s the science of predicting yields, weather patterns, nutritional chains, waste cleanup, cancer treatment. //冒号的用法

20180830 Time|A New Study Says Any Amount of Drinking Is Bad for You

A new study concludes there’s no amount of alcohol consumption that’s safe for overall health — a finding that’s likely to surprise moderate drinkers, and that has left some experts unconvinced.

But the new paper, published Thursday in The Lancet, calls that long-held conclusion into question.

The new research was based on a review of nearly 700 existing studies on global drinking prevalence and nearly 600 studies on alcohol and health, and found that alcohol was the seventh leading risk factor for premature death in 2016, contributing to 2.8 million deaths worldwide. //酒精是2016第七大早死因素,导致全世界280万死亡。

Gakidou’s paper did show some modest cardiovascular benefits associated with moderate drinking, particularly among women, but she says that effect is overshadowed by the numerous ways alcohol can threaten health. //overshadow 用的好

20180828 Time | John McCain Was a Legend Even Before He Was a War Hero

As a result of horrific treatment at the Hanoi Hilton, he could not raise his arms above his head. But he never had a problem raising his voice. Even when his terminal illness put him in a wheelchair, you never had a problem knowing where John McCain stood.

We are so bitterly polarized today, but McCain could credibly reach out to both the left and the right. He could see both east and west, but he resolutely followed his own compass to true north. //两极分化

20180822 HBR|The Business Case for Curiosity

New research shows that curiosity is vital to an organization’s performance—as are the particular ways in which people are curious and the experiences they are exposed to. // 列举句型 A is vital to sth-as are B and C.

This package examines how leaders can nurture curiosity throughout their organizations and ensure that it translates to success.

That’s because cultivating it at all levels helps leaders and their employees adapt to uncertain market conditions and external pressures: When our curiosity is triggered, we think more deeply and rationally about decisions and come up with more-creative solutions. //好奇的好处:适应不确定的市场环境和外界压力、理性决策、创新解决方案

My research found that curiosity encourages members of a group to put themselves in one another’s shoes and take an interest in one another’s ideas rather than focus only on their own perspective. //put themselves in one another’s shoes设身处地的为别人着想

In the survey of more than 3,000 employees mentioned earlier, 92% credited curious people with bringing new ideas into teams and organizations and viewed curiosity as a catalyst for job satisfaction, motivation, innovation, and high performance. //credit sb with (doing) sth 相信sb有某优点[做了某件好事]

But in the late 1920s, as the U.S. economy rose to new heights, consumers started wanting greater variety in their cars. While Ford remained fixated on improving the Model T, competitors such as General Motors started producing an array of models and soon captured the main share of the market. Owing to its single-minded focus on efficiency, Ford stopped experimenting and innovating and fell behind. //1.经济增长到新高 2.抓住主要的市场份额 3.owing to 引导原因

Although initial levels of curiosity varied, after six months everyone’s curiosity had dropped, with the average decline exceeding 20%. //with独立主格结构,跟名词或者非谓语动词

It takes thought and discipline to stop stifling curiosity and start fostering it. //抑制 培养

20180820 WP | Kofi Annan, U.N. secretary general, dies at 80

Current U.N. Secretary General António Guterres called Mr. Annan “a guiding force for good,” and added: “He provided people everywhere with a space for dialogue, a place for problem-solving and a path to a better world.” //如何评价一个公众人物人?

He did not fit the stereotype of the haughty and secretive international civil servant. //符合...的刻板印象

In 1995, Mr. Annan oversaw the transfer of U.N. peacekeeping forces in Bosnia to a NATO-led force after years of devastating ethnically driven conflict. Mr. Annan’s comments at the time reflected the anguish felt by many at the United Nations over being unable to end that war. // over用的好

“In looking back we shall all record how we responded to the escalating horrors of the last four years,” he said. “And as we do so, there are questions that each of us will have to answer. What did I do? Could I have done more? And could it have made a difference? Did I let my prejudice, my indifference and my fear overwhelm my reason? And how would I react next time?” //安南的反思

For that reason, Mr. Annan had a bruising second term as he pushed back against President George W. Bush’s growing determination to invade Iraq for supposedly harboring weapons of mass destruction. //表示不确定性supposedly, It appeared ...

Mr. Annan became a continual irritant to the Americans. He eliminated an easy excuse for war by persuading the Iraqis to allow U.N. inspectors back in to search for weapons of mass destruction. //大规模杀伤性武器

20180811 HWR | 'Westworld': What the S2 Finale's Post-Credits Scene Means

For now, here's what we do know: the Man in Black of the post-credits sequence is an entirely new entity, someone separate from the character portrayed onscreen up to this point. // sequence 一段情节;片段;连续镜头;

Still confused? Take the post-credits scene for another loop with all of that context in mind, and see if you can find fidelity. //post-credits scene 彩蛋

20180810 theAtlantic | Chinese Tech Isn’t the Enemy

Finally, long-term innovation happens because U.S. companies participate in markets all over the world. A senior U.S. semiconductor-company executive told me recently that U.S. companies’ sales to and investments in China give them access to Chinese efforts on cloud computing, AI, and autonomy, and thus make U.S. products much better at responding to a changing world market. //美国企业长期创新的原因。

Many U.S. analysts are writing about a new “space race” in AI. But this Cold War analogy isn’t the right one.

20180809 theWeek | America in peril

Huge blazes in California have destroyed over 1,500 homes and killed at least eight people, with others raging in Colorado, Washington, and Oregon. Overall, fires burn twice as many acres today as 30 years ago. // rage: v. if a fire or illness rages, it spreads fast and is hard to control 〔火灾或疾病〕迅速蔓延,快速扩散

This is just a tiny taste of our coming future if climate change is not halted. Murderous heat waves, drought, vast wildfires, super-powerful storms, floods, and sea level rise will lay waste to great swathes of the American landscape and built infrastructure. It is unquestionably the greatest threat to the nation. //自然灾害。 taste: [尤指经历不好的事情之后的]感受,感觉,滋味; • the bitter taste of failure 失败的苦涩滋味 • the sweet taste of victory 胜利的甜美滋味

20180724 Time|Outrage in China Over Latest Vaccine Safety Scandal

Changsheng, which produces about 23% of China’s rabies vaccines, was fined 3.4 million yuan (US$502,200) and ordered to halt all rabies vaccine production and recall flawed doses. Investigators are also looking into whether to file criminal charges.//提起刑事诉讼

According to Chinese state media, more than 200,000 children in Shandong province received the suspect vaccines, though there have been no reports of injuries or harmful side-effects.

Anxious parents in China were incensed by the revelations, which became the second-highest trending topic over the weekend on Chinese microblogging platform Weibo.

The incident has reignited long-held fears over fake medicine and distrust in China’s scandal-plagued health and food authorities.//reignite 再次点燃

20180722 usnews | Fresh Scandal Erupts Over Vaccine Safety in China

A scandal over faulty vaccines in China has sparked anger on social media, underscoring the difficulties regulators face in rebuilding trust after years of food and drug safety scares.

Worried parents trying to ascertain if their children had been administered faulty vaccines led to the topic becoming the second most watched at the weekend on the Weibo social media site, with details widely shared on the WeChat messaging app.//微博传的开,微信说的深入

The Changsheng scandal will hit confidence in domestic vaccines by rekindling safety concerns over products for children, a challenge state media highlighted. //rekindle safety concerns over sth 重新点燃对xx安全问题的担忧

20180720 Time|It's Nearly Impossible to Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease in Living People. Bill Gates Wants to Change That

But that hasn’t been the case with Alzheimer’s disease, the neurodegenerative condition that was first described in 1906, and more than a century later, still doesn’t have a blood test or brain scan that can diagnose it conclusively.

Now Bill Gates, who decided to invest $100 million in Alzheimer’s disease research in 2017 and revealed earlier this year that his father was affected by the disease, is now directing some of that commitment to developing a diagnostic test. //指引他的部分投入去开发一个诊断检测。

The project will solicit and then fund the most promising ideas for developing a test for Alzheimer’s, whether that be in the form of a blood test, a retinal eye scan, a urine or saliva test or even some other innovative way of detecting the signs of the disease.

He points out that having a diagnostic test for Alzheimer’s would not only identify people earlier in the disease process, and make it possible for them to participate in promising clinical trials of treatments, but also help existing studies of encouraging therapies by providing a way for doctors to track the progression of the disease and how effective the experimental treatment might be.

“I think that having a diagnostic test for Alzheimer’s is going to have tremendous implications for accelerating the development of new drugs,” says Fillit.

20180614 BBC|Antarctica loses three trillion tonnes of ice in 25 years

Space agencies have been flying satellites over Antarctica since the early 1990s. Europe, in particular, has an unbroken observation record going back to 1992.

"The last time we looked at the polar ice sheets, Greenland was the dominant contributor. That's no longer the case."

20180613 independent|Vincent van Gogh: Letters to Theo, circling crows and the romance of unrealised promise

Today marks the 165th anniversary of the birth of Vincent van Gogh (1853-90), one of the world’s most popular and distinctive painters.

He spent time in a number of psychiatric institutions, notably at Saint-Remy where he painted his fellow inmates, before finally losing faith in the hope that he might ever be cured of the madness and despair that hounded him and taking his own life. //notably 用于举例子 adv.显著地;非常地;引人注目地; notably/remarkably/dramatically/considerably/prominently/markedly/

Taken together, the letters illuminate Van Gogh’s working life, motivations and personality to a degree no biography could hope to approach.

For all the striking chrome yellows and cobalt blues, the sunshine and warmth that backlight his compositions, darkness is rarely far away. //rarely 表示否定

The Starry Night depicts the view from his hospital room, a cold fact that jars with the fantastic, dreamlike vision he conjures. //jar 不和谐,不相配

Theo may never have realised his dream of opening a gallery of his own, but his invaluable contribution ensured his brother’s tragic life was not in vain. A statue of the two brothers by Russian sculptor Ossip Zadkine today stands in their hometown of Zundert, celebrating their special bond.

These days Vincent van Gogh is a one-man culture industry, remarkable considering that he sold only one painting in his lifetime, The Red Vineyard (1888), and that to a friend’s sister.

Art historian Lucrezia Walker points out that London’s National Gallery, which paid £1,300 for Sunflowers in 1924, sells countless items of Van Gogh merchandise in its gift shop and has made more than £2m from the sale of postcards of that painting alone.

Amsterdam’s Van Gogh Museum meanwhile sees tourists queueing around the block on a daily basis. Its director, Axel Ruger, attributes the enduring nature of its subject’s appeal to “the romance of the unrealised promise”.

Last year’s film Loving Vincent, told his story in the world’s first animated feature to be entirely hand-painted in oils, an extraordinary labour of love worthy of the man himself.

20180611 Atlantic|Trump Goes to War Against the Democracies

We’ve built something that has delivered more prosperity for more people than the world has ever seen. Can’t we keep it working? //deliver 实现; 履行

Whether or not the president’s demands made any sense even from the most parochial American point of view, his demands were to a considerable extent accommodated. //to a considerable extent 在相当大的程度上

On his way to the podium, he winked and joked—a performer about to mount a show.//嬉笑怒骂

As many have said: Trump thinks in images, not ideas. Who could ever know? Trump probably does not know himself.//嬉笑怒骂

“Just another #G7 where other countries expect America will always be their bank. The President made it clear today. No more.”

20180607 fortune|Top economists predict another US recession by 2020

The latest quarterly outlook by the National Association for Business Economists states that its panel of 45 economists believe that the nation’s gross domestic product will grow by 2.8% this year, a decrease from the panel’s prediction in March of 2.9% GDP growth, according to the Associated Press.//季度展望、前景quarterly outlook

The panelists forecasted that the nation’s GDP would grow by 2.7% in 2019.

20180606 variety|F Contract Leak Sparks Film Industry Tax Probe in China

China’s tax authorities have launched a probe into the fiscal affairs of the film and TV industries, following allegations that leading actress Fan Bingbing engaged in contract chicanery to hide a massive payday.//probe, allegation

It also sought to cap the leading star’s pay at a maximum of 70% of total payments to cast. The Yin-Yang contracts appear to be a way to skirt those rules.//cap熟词生义 限制 limit; skirt熟词生义 绕开,避开; 最多70%:

Fan, who was a member of the main competition jury at last year’s Cannes Film Festival, rose to fame in Feng’s “Cell Phone” in 2003 and, according to some estimates, is the world’s fourth-highest-paid actor.//多个插入语

The Financial Times reported that last year Fan earned $46.5 million (RMB300 million), with much of that total coming from sponsorship and celebrity endorsements.//with独立主格结构

20180605 BI|Microsoft to buy code sharing site GitHub for $7.5bn

Microsoft is buying GitHub, a massive software development platform with 24 million users, for $7.5 billion.//is buying ... for

From Microsoft's perspective, this deal plays nicely into the company's push into cloud computing, which is one of its biggest and most important initiatives. //可以代替 in my opinion

20180601 Guardian|Meat and fish multinationals 'jeopardising Paris climate goals'

New index finds many of the world’s largest protein producers failing to measure or report emissions, despite accounting for 14.5% of greenhouse gases.//占了x%

It is clear that the meat and dairy industries have remained out of public scrutiny in terms of their significant climate impact. //in terms of 就...来说

20180531 Time|EU Proposes to Ban on Plastic Straws,Stirs, and Cotton Buds

The European Union has proposed banning plastic products like cotton buds, straws, stirs and balloon sticks when alternatives are easily available in an attempt to reduce litter spoiling beaches and ocean beds. //propose doing sth 建议/提议[正式]

The only way to stop plastics pouring into our oceans is to turn off the flow at its source: production。

The EU has also been spurred into action by China’s decision to no longer import part of the bloc’s waste.

20180526 CNN | Trump cancels Singapore summit in letter to Kim Jong Un

He said during an appearance from the Roosevelt Room the decision amounted to a "tremendous setback" and warned North Korea that the US military is ready to act should Pyongyang take any "foolish and reckless" action. //should引导的什么从句?

20180517 Economist|Why many rich Chinese don’t live in China

A STRAIGHT TRACK through a wood, and a guard hut at the end of it, is all there is to “China City of America”. //为什么是is? a, and b, is ...[病句]

Canada had a similar scheme, but scrapped it in 2014 after it became heavily oversubscribed by wealthy Chinese. //scrap 废弃

长难句: The American one has come under growing scrutiny since it emerged that Nicole Meyer, the sister of President Donald Trump’s influential son-in-law, Jared Kushner, had touted her connections with the Trump family when trying to attract investors to an EB-5 project during a trip to China last May.

In 2017 more than 46% of Chinese with fortunes between 10m and 200m yuan ($1.3m-26.3m) were thinking of emigrating, according to a survey by Hurun, the research company in Shanghai.

The insecurity of wealthy Chinese, and their craving for Western education for their children, is evident in the rapid growth of whole communities of them in the suburbs of big Australian, American and Canadian cities. // a, and b, is ...主谓一致?[病句]

Such places also point to a contradiction in the story of China’s own development. Despite more opportunities at home, growing numbers of those who can afford it seem to want to leave. Even China’s state-owned media admit this.

The number of Chinese students in Australia increased by 17% last year, to 140,000. Apart from the quality of the education, and less fierce competition for places than at China’s best universities, there is another powerful draw: the relative ease with which foreigners who have graduated in Australia can become resident there.// with which是什么从句?with可以替换为其他介词吗?

In Sydney, Monika Tu, the founder of Black Diamondz Property Concierge, specialises in selling expensive houses to rich Chinese. She says she sees little impact from China’s recent clampdown on the movement of capital abroad, or from the government’s efforts to stop corrupt officials from fleeing the country with their wealth. Growing numbers of her clients are young Chinese who have made their fortunes in the country’s booming tech industries.

Many poorer Chinese, too, are attracted by life abroad. The country’s economy may be booming, but for people from rural China, settling and prospering in a big Chinese city can often be as hard as going to work in a foreign country, sometimes even harder.
Internal migrants in China are often treated as second-class citizens. Too tough in Ningbo? Try Namibia.

20180519 fortune|How China’s Laser Attacks on the U.S. Military Could ...

The U.S. and its allies need to push back calmly but firmly against activities that jeopardize not only the safety of their personnel, but peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific—and America’s longer-term strategic position. //主语换成China也挺顺溜。

20180507 zerohedge|As US Military Effectiveness And Diplomacy Fade, ...

The common component in all these meetings is the absence of the United States, which may explain the excellent progress that has been seen.

20180409 investing|U.S. Needs China More Than China Needs the U.S.

In doing so, the Trump administration is failing to appreciate a crucial reality: The United States needs China more than China needs the U.S.

In the 1930s, protectionist tariffs and a global trade war exacerbated the Great Depression and destabilized the international order. Sadly, one of the most painful lessons of modern history is now at risk of being ignored.