新概念3 反向翻译练习

反向翻译, 根据中文翻译成英文,与原文对比,重点学习翻译不好的语句、单词、短语。注意同意替换。


注: 记录每次的日期和时间区间,进度百分比。

3_54 Instinct or Cleverness? 是本能还是机智(3.9min)

## 10min: 9:57-->10:09
> 我的翻译,不一定对。 

> We are brought up to fear insects.
短语: be brought up 

> We treat insects as useless things who do more harm than good.
短语: We regard them as unnecessary creatures 

# 人类不断同昆虫斗争,因为昆虫弄脏我们的食物,传播疾病,吞噬庄稼。
devour [dɪˈvaʊə(r)] v. 狼吞虎咽地吃;如饥似渴地阅读,热切地看;吞噬,毁灭;充满(感情)

# 它们【无缘无故】地又叮又咬;
provocation [ˌprɒvəˈkeɪʃn] n. 激怒,挑衅,挑衅性事件

短语: 憎恶 We live in dread not only of unpleasant insects

> Reading about them can enhance our understanding to them, but not eliminate the fear to them.

increases our understanding without
dispel [dɪˈspel] v. 驱散,消除(尤指感觉或信仰)
# Reading about them increases our understanding without dispelling our fears.

## 10min: 10:02-->
> Although we know that ants live in a highly-orgnized society, we still couldn't resist our revulsion when we see hordes of them crawling over a carefully prepared picnic lunch.
# does nothing to prevent us from being filled with revulsion
revulsion [rɪˈvʌlʃn] n. 剧变;厌恶;强烈反感;抽回

> No matter how much we love honey, or how much we have read about the mysterious sense of direction, we still fear of being stung.
# No matter how much we like honey, or how much we have read of the uncanny sense of direction which bees possess, we have a horror of being stung. 
短语: we have a horror of being stung. 

> Most of our horrors are unreasonable, but they are hard to erase.
# Most of our fears are unreasonable, but they are impossible to erase. 

> At the same time, insects are quite fascinating.
# At the same time, however, insects are strangely fascinating.

> We love reading about them, especially when we know the horror life xxx lived, we became more fascinated.
# We enjoy reading about them, especially when we find that like the Praying Mantis, they lead perfectly horrible lives. 
句型: especially when we find that  ... 尤其是当我们了解...
	过着...的生活 they lead perfectly horrible lives. 
	喜欢 enjoy doing sth ...

> We love watching about them, which knows nothing about our presence, we hope.
# We enjoy staring at them, entranced as they go about their business, unaware -we hope – of our presence. 
	喜欢盯着他们看 We enjoy staring at them
	他们做事 they go about their business

# As soon as I met Dick, he entranced me because he has a lovely voice.
# 我一见到迪克,他就使我着迷,因为他有好听的嗓音。

> Who will not into awe when we see a spider flung into a fly, or a column of ants triumphantly bear a large beetle back home?
# Who has not stood in awe at the sight of a spider pouncing on a fly, or a column of ants triumphantly bearing home an enormous dead beetle?
句型: 谁不对...感到敬畏? Who has not stood in awe at the sight of ...

# pounce /paʊns/  TEM8 ( pouncing, pounced, pounces )
# V-I If someone pounces on you, they come up toward you suddenly and take hold of you. (向某人) 猛扑
# He pounced on the photographer, beat him up, and smashed his camera.
# 他猛扑向那个摄影师,揍了他,并砸碎了他的相机。

#14:34 P1 end;

# 19:57-->20:11
# Last summer, I spent days in the garden watching thousands of ants crawling up the trunk of my prize peach tree.
crawling (climbing)

> The tree stand on the sheltered side of the warm wall.
# The tree has grown against a warm wall on a sheltered side of the house.
缩写: The tree has grown against a wall.

> I'm proud of it, not because it has survived several severe winter(s), but because it occasionally produces [luscious] peaches.
# I am especially proud of it, not only because it has survived several severe winters, but because it occasionally produces luscious peaches. 


到了夏天,我发现树叶开始枯萎,结果在树叶背面找到成串的叫作蚜虫小虫子。蚜虫遭到一窝蚂蚁的攻击,蚂蚁从它们身上可以获得一种蜜。我当即动手作了一项试验,这项试验尽管没有使我摆脱这些蚂蚁,却使我着迷了 24 小时。我用一条胶带把桃树底部包上,不让蚂蚁接近蚜虫。胶带极粘,蚂蚁不敢从上面爬过。在很长一段时间里,我看见蚂蚁围着大树底部来回转悠,不知所措。半夜,我还拿着电筒来到花园里,满意地(同时惊奇地)发现那些蚂蚁还围着胶带团团转,无能为力。第二天早上,我起床后希望看见蚂蚁已因无望而放弃了尝试,结果却发现它们又找到一条新的路径。它们正在顺着房子的外墙往上爬,然后爬上树叶。我懊丧地感到败在了足智多谋的蚂蚁的手下。蚂蚁已很快找到了相应的对策,来对付我那套完全不科学的办法!

== END ==